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Lovisa Case from Orexo AB receives this year’s MBA scholarship

For the 13th consecutive year, a scholarship is being awarded for Executive MBA studies at the Stockholm School of Economics. The scholarship of SEK 495,000 is announced by Swedish financial newspaper Dagens Industri in cooperation with the Stockholm School of Economics and utbildning.se and recognizes the next generation of leaders, with the purpose of strengthening Swedish competitiveness.

Lovisa Case, SSE MBA's scholarship recipient for 2020, together with the jury.
Photo: Helena Bergelv.

“The purpose of the scholarship is to promote further education and raise the skill level among the next generation of leaders,” says Karin Wiström, Director for the MBA Program at the Stockholm School of Economics.

The scholarship is awarded to candidates whose previous achievements and future potential indicate they will benefit optimally from the program. By strengthening their leadership and skills in responsible business and operational development, candidates will be able to benefit their company or organization and be a good ambassador for Sweden. Particular emphasis is placed on candidates’ potential to generate new business through entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship, in Sweden and internationally.

The 2020 MBA scholarship goes to Lovisa Case, Director, Corporate Development at Orexo AB, with the following motivation:

“Lovisa is confident and ambitious, yet humble. She is considered one of the top leadership talents in Orexo and has a strong scientific background with a PhD in Neuroscience. In her current role Lovisa is leading cross-functional teams with the aim to build bridges between science/development and the commercial side. Orexo is addressing one of the largest health-crisis in modern history, the opioid crisis, impacting millions of lives.

With the new perspectives, insights and knowledge that she will gain from the SSE MBA she has the potential to successfully take on senior leadership roles in the future, and make a strong impact. With her experience, background and potential, Lovisa is a highly worthy recipient of the 2020 MBA scholarship.”

“The knowledge I will acquire at SSE I plan to apply in my daily work to support both internal and external activities to further and enhance our efforts in combating the opioid crisis,” says Lovisa Case.

The jury has consisted of Carl Johan Bonnier, Chairman Albert Bonnier AB; Peter Fellman, Editor in Chief, Dagens Industri; Mattias Säker, COO Educations Media Group; Sina Vosough, Vice President R&D Seco Tools and alumnus of the Executive MBA program, and Karin Wiström, Director SSE MBA, Stockholm School of Economics.

For further information, please contact:
Karin Wiström, Director SSE MBA, karin.wistrom@hhs.se, +46 (0)70-651 21 43