"We need a minister for civil society"
09 February 2022
Marketing Analytics workshop with Prof. Bruce Hardie (LBS)
09 February 2022
On Feb 1, Prof. Bruce Hardie from London Business School gave a talk about his research journey from a person “without statistics and mathematics background” to one of the most influential quantitive marketing researchers of our time.
Introduction to AI and its connection to cross sales opportunities at Clas Ohlson
08 February 2022
Clas Ohlson held a theme lecture about AI for Clas Ohlson's Retail Club as well as first-year students from four other Retail Clubs.
From east to west: A paper curtain in Swedish foreign news coverage?
08 February 2022
How much a country is talked about in the media can determine its place in the public debate. In this brief, SITE researchers Maiting Zhuang and Svante Strömberg study the amount of news coverage devoted to European countries in the Swedish press. They document a systematic difference between Western and Eastern Europe and explore underlying factors that could be important in explaining this East-West divide.
New evidence on inequalities in education in low and middle-income countries
07 February 2022
Socioeconomic status and test scores are important predictors of educational attainment gaps in rich countries. Associate Professor Abhijeet Singh from the Economics Department of the Stockholm School of Economics and his co-authors present new evidence on inequalities in education in low and middle-income countries (LMIC).
Hon vill se en minister för civilsamhället
07 February 2022
Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall ser ett civilsamhälle som har flyttat fram sina positioner. ”Det är modigt av sektorn att våga se sig som en sektor, och på sikt bör man ha en egen minister för civilsamhället.”
Does Sweden benefit from providing development aid and what does research really say about the effects of development aid?
04 February 2022
There are claims that development aid is ineffective and does not yield results. What does research say about the effects of development aid? SITE Deputy Director and researcher Anders Olofsgård provides his insights in the latest episode of "Biståndskvarten - Om forskning och fakta" by ForumCiV.
Call for papers: FREE Network conference on Economic and Social Context of Domestic Violence (hybrid, March 7 2022)
02 February 2022
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics together with the Centre for Economic Analysis (CenEA) and the FREE Network invite academic contributions focusing on economic and social context of domestic violence. Both applied and theoretical contributions are welcome. The deadline for submissions is 15 February 2022.
Paradise leaked: An analysis of offshore data leaks
01 February 2022
In recent years, there have been several high-profile leaks of documents related to the offshore financial industry, such as the Pandora Papers released last year. Some of the data contained in the leaked documents have now been made public. In this brief, SITE researchers Jonathan Lehne and Maiting Zhuang discuss the advantages and pitfalls of using these data for economic analysis. They show that despite some caveats, there are patterns in these data that can shed light on a secretive industry.
Open seminar at Score: Kah-Wee Lee
31 January 2022
Welcome to an online seminar on Thursday 17 February with Kah-Wee Lee, Associate Professor, National University of Singapore (NUS).