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New article! The happy virtual agent and its impact on the human customer in the service encounter

13 January 2021
The article is written by Magnus Söderlund, Eeva-Liisa Oikarinen, Teck MingTan

Jenny Lantz om parfym och parfymindustrin

13 January 2021

New book! The Sustainability Grand Challenge: A Wicked Learning Workbook

11 January 2021
Edited By Michael Gibbert, Liisa Välikangas, Marijane Luistro-Jonsson

Människor känner sig drygt åtta år yngre än sin biologiska ålder

11 January 2021
När människor får uppskatta hur gamla de "känner sig" så upplever de sig i snitt vara 8,4 år yngre än sin verkliga, biologiska ålder. Dessutom verkar de som fyller jämt känna sig mycket äldre i jämförelse med hur människor upplever sin ålder alla övriga år. Det här visar ett pågående forskningsprojekt kring psykologisk ålder.

New reports from CGMS

28 December 2020
Two new reports by Markus Kallifatides and Truls Neubeck

Female entrepreneurs breaking social exclusion and building bridges: conversations with Alexandra Pascalidou

21 December 2020
Watch the conversations between Alexandra Pascalidou, author and journalists, and representatives from different sectors. The conversations go deep into the role of women in breaking social exclusion, dependency on welfare benefits and marginalization in Sweden.

Highlights from Development Day 2020: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Eastern Europe

21 December 2020
After having been relatively mildly affected in the first wave, Eastern Europe is currently in the midst of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic with much higher levels of infected and dead compared to the spring. This health crisis not only has economic consequences, but also has contributed to political instability in parts of the region. Learn more on the presentations and discussions held at the SITE Development Day conference 2020!

Female entrepreneurs breaking social exclusion and building bridges: conversations with Alexandra Pascalidou

19 December 2020
Watch the conversations between Alexandra Pascalidou, author and journalists, and representatives from different sectors. The conversations go deep into the role of women in breaking social exclusion, dependency on welfare benefits and marginalization in Sweden.

The SIR office closed for winter holidays

18 December 2020

Last call for papers for Nordic workshop on digital foundations of business, operations, strategy and innovation

17 December 2020
This third invitational hands-on and small-scale research paper workshop on digital foundations of business, operations, innovation and strategy will bring together a small group of researchers from information systems, computer science, operations management, innovation, and strategy. The call for papers closes on 18 December 2020 at 23:59 CET.