Pollution and the COVID-19 pandemic: Air quality in Eastern Europe
16 February 2021
Policy brief: The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to a pre-existing threat to global health: the quality of air in cities around the world. Prolonged exposure to air pollution has been found to increase the mortality rate of COVID-19. This is a particular concern for much of Eastern Europe, where emissions regularly exceed safe levels.
New research: using technology to support financial services regulatory compliance
15 February 2021
New research on innovation suggests that RegTech providers are currently focused mostly on internal processes and associated compliance. The study recommends that RegTech providers begin offering solutions for the strategic management of regulations and not just pure compliance.
Därför dras spelare till börsen
15 February 2021
Oviljan att förlora, och rädslan för att missa en vinstchans. Unga småsparares rusning till börsen har sin förklaring i vår urgamla drivkraft att försöka bli rikare, enligt Richard Wahlund.
Öppet seminarium vid Score: Niels Selling och Guillaume Delalieux
10 February 2021
Torsdag 25 februari kl. 10.00-11.30 håller Niels Selling, Institutet för Framtidsstudier, och Guillaume Delalieux, University of La Rochelle, ett öppet seminarium vid Score. Varmt välkommen att delta via Zoom!
Organizations under-employing migrants
05 February 2021
Underemploying highly skilled migrants: An organizational logic protecting corporate ‘normality’ a new publication by Annette Risberg and Laurence Romani in Human Relations
Coworking och hubbar på framtidens kontor
03 February 2021
I spåren av pandemin blomstrar coworking-ytor, kreativa hubbar och lösningar för distansarbete. Är det traditionella kontoret på väg bort? Lena Lid Falkman intervjuas om distansarbete i Kollega.
Responding, adapting and socialising online
31 January 2021
During the fall semester the CIVICA alliance universities switched back to online learning, with optimized e-learning solutions, with greater opportunities for students to interact.
Vacancy: three two-year postdoctoral positions at House of Innovation
29 January 2021
The House of Innovation at the Stockholm School of Economics invites applications for three (3) two-year postdoctoral positions as part of the Wallenberg Digital Innovation Program and in collaboration with the Swedish Center for Digital Innovation. The deadline for applications is March 31, 2021 (the ideal starting date is September 1, 2021).
Selective attention and the importance of types for information campaigns
27 January 2021
Working paper: Can we improve the potential for information to induce individual climate-change curbing action by focusing on individual types? In this paper Maria Perrotta Berlin, Assistant Professor at SITE, and her co-author try to contribute to the understanding of the persistence and increase of meat eating in the face of mounting evidence on the ills of meat production and consumption by considering the role of selective attention and learning.
New research: what determines innovation performance at the micro-foundations level?
22 January 2021
New research on innovation suggests that employees that are curious about mastering their workplace, and that desire to work more effectively, will have a higher ability to find useful information in the global marketplace and commercialize it.