Installation of new professors and conferment of doctoral degrees
14 March 2019
During an installation and conferment ceremony in the City Hall on February 16, two new professors, two jubilee doctorates, three honorary doctorates, and 16 PhD graduates received their hats, rings and diplomas.
Ny bok! Fast Childcare in Public Preschools
11 March 2019
Fast Childcare in Public Preschools. The Utopia of Efficiency handlar om den märkliga idén att införa en managementmodell från bilindustrin i förskolan.
Jonas Colliander comments on authorities use of influencers
11 March 2019
Jonas Colliander comments on authorities use of influencers as a marketing channel in svt Nyheter.
Stockholm School of Economics is Stockholm’s most international university
08 March 2019
The Stockholm School of Economics has the highest proportion of international students according to a new report from Stockholms Akademiska Forum (Stockholm Academic Forum). Of the total number of students, 30 percent come from countries other than Sweden, which is the highest proportion among the universities in Stockholm.
Svenska män äger dubbelt så mycket som kvinnor
08 March 2019
I rapporten "Vem äger Sverige" visar Emma Heikensten, doktorand på Nationalekonomiska institutionen vid Handelshögskolan, att män äger dubbelt så mycket som kvinnor.
Bortsorteringen av kvinnliga ledare gör Sverige fattigare
08 March 2019
Ingalill Holmberg & Anna Kinberg Batra: DI debatt
Svetlana Kolesova in Fri Köpenskap
08 March 2019
Svetlana Kolesova is interviewed in Fri Köpenskap about her research in the grocery retailing sector.
International Writers’ Stage in new collaboration with the Stockholm School of Economics
07 March 2019
The International Writers’ Stage moves into the Stockholm School of Economics! The new collaboration offers students and Stockholmers interested in literature an opportunity to meet one another and a selection of the world’s authors.
Jonas Colliander comments on authorities use of influencers
06 March 2019
Jonas Colliander comments on authorities use of influencers as a marketing channel in svt Nyheter.
Dissertation defense by Carl-Philip Ahlbom
04 March 2019
Carl-Philip Ahlbom from the Department of Marketing and Strategy will defend a PhD dissertation entitled “How Technology is Evolving In-Store Shopping Behaviors: Evidence from the Field” on Thursday March 21, 2019, at 13:15 in room Ruben.