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The Misum Annual Report for 2016 is here

28 March 2017
We had a busy year, so we would like you to read all about it.

How to improve visitor’s experience of Stockholm – a joint project by SSE and Babson students

28 March 2017
How might we improve the visitor’s experience of Stockholm, especially for those who face challenges from a disability? That was the overarching assignment for 11 mixed teams of students from Babson College, Boston and SSE. The teams had one week to come up with constructive solutions.

Linnéa Claeson appointed female role model by safwis

27 March 2017
Linnéa Claeson received her diploma from Elin Wiklander at the Stockholm School of Economics on March 16, 2017.

Journal Article

26 March 2017
Søderberg, A-M. & Romani, L. (2017) Boundary Spanners in global Partnerships: A Case Study of an Indian Vendor´s Collaboration with Western Clients, Group & Organization Management, 42(2) 237–278.

Innovativ försäljning i traditionella bolag till nyckelkunder leder till nya affärsmodeller

23 March 2017
De flesta är ense om att nyckelkundsförsäljning ska bidra till företags strategiska utveckling. Få har dock forskat på hur strategiska kundrelationer leder till innovationer och nya affärsmodeller. Ebba Laurins doktorsavhandling, ”Box Paradox. Hur bidrar nyckelkunder till affärsmodellsinnovation?” visar hur försäljarna blir både riskkapitalister och entreprenörer i projekt och processer som utvecklar kundrelationen.

SSE hosts students from Babson College, Boston for ‘Stockholm Design Challenge’

20 March 2017
How might we improve the visitor’s experience to Stockholm, especially for those who face the challenges of a disability?

Nya bolagstrenden: tackla globala problem

20 March 2017
Misums Lin Lerpold intervjuad i Dagens Industri Digital söndagen den 19 mars 2017.

Lars Strannegård:Sann meritokrati väg bort från elitföraktet

17 March 2017
Lars Strannegårds fördjupande artikel om meritokrati finns publicerad i Svenska Dagbladets Under Strecket den 17 mars.

Motivating Whistleblowers

16 March 2017
by Giancarlo Spagnolo (with Jeffrey V. Butler and Danila Serra), Working Paper

“Producing Consumers: Agencing and Concerning Consumers to Do Green in Everyday Food Practices”

13 March 2017
Welcome to Ingrid Stigzelius´ dissertation defence on March 31 at 1.15 pm. Ingrid will defend her Ph.D dissertation entitled “Producing Consumers: Agencing and Concerning Consumers to Do Green in Everyday Food Practices” in room KAW.