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New book by Walter Schuster

19 December 2016
Walter Schuster (PricewaterhouseCoopers professor of Accounting and Auditing) has released a new book entitled "Finansiell Redovisning" in which he analyses the development of the International Financial Reporting Standards. The book is published by SSE Institute for Research (SIR).

Intervju med Lin Lerpold i dagens industri

19 December 2016
- I Sverige har man ofta likställt hållbarhet med miljöfrågor, men på sista tiden har fokus ökat på sociala frågor och det har kommit en förståelse för att de ofta hänger ihop med miljömässig hållbarhet, säger Lin Lerpold i en intervju i Dagens Industri den 18 december 2016.  


16 December 2016
The social and physical contexts are crucial to how we perceive advertising and are affected by it. This is shown in a recently published dissertation from the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE).

Sara Rosengren in Aktuellt

15 December 2016
Sara comments on Swedish e-commerce.

why green finance is important

15 December 2016
Interview with Cecilia Repinski, former director for the research platform Sustainable Finance at Misum, from the Mistra Financial System seminar "Green Finance: What Role can Sweden Play", December 14, 2016, in Stockholm.

The 2016 Oscar Sillén Dissertation prize to Henning Christner

14 December 2016
On December 14, Henning Christner at the Department of Accounting was awarded the 2016 Oscar Sillén Dissertation Prize by Företagsekonomiska Institutet (FEI). Congratulations Henning!

Nobel Laureates Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström visited SSE

14 December 2016
This year’s Nobel Laureates in Economics Sciences, Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström visited SSE on Monday, December 12.

finance and innovative investment in environmental technology: the case of sweden

13 December 2016
Launching as of today: a new report from the Mistra Financial System program by researchers Hans Lööf, Gustav Martinsson and Ali Mohammadi.

The hult prize winners in sweden announced

12 December 2016
The winners of the Hult Prize in Sweden were announced at HHS aula last Friday. Twelve teams competed which is double the number from last year. This year's challenge, which is set every year by former President Bill Clinton, was to "turn the refugee crisis into a refugee opportunity by building sustainable and scalable social enterprises that restore the rights and dignity of 10 million refugees by 2022."

Ny forskning undersöker hur företag kan bli dubbelt effektiva

12 December 2016
Docent Martin Sköld vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm visar med sin nya bok ”Dubbelt Effektiv – Konsten att få mycket att bli mer genom att använda mindre” hur företag, oavsett bransch, kan frigöra en outnyttjad potential och därmed skapa stora konkurrensfördelar.