Expanding leniency to fight collusion and corruption
15 November 2016
In this policy brief, Giancarlo Spagnolo, Professor at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, and Reinaldo Diogo Luz, Ph.D Candidate at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) Law School, discuss how to increase the effectiveness of leniency programs in multiple offenses cases, to fight bid rigging and corruption.
Congratulations to Yoshihiro Sato at EIJS!
08 November 2016
Yoshihiro Sato, postdoctoral research fellow at the European Institute of Japanese Studies, has received a grant of 6.1 MSEK from Vetenskapsrådet.
Will new technologies change the energy markets?
06 November 2016
In this policy brief, authors highlight challenges and opportunities that new technologies will bring for energy markets, in particular wind energy, smart grid technology, and electromobility, that were discussed during the 10th SITE Energy Day, held at the Stockholm School of Economics on October 13, 2016.
Can the Poor Be Mobilized? Cooperation and Public Goods in Rural India
04 November 2016
by Anders Olofsgård (with Raj M. Desai and Shareen Joshi), SITE Working Paper
Flowminder in huffington post
02 November 2016
Read about the non-profit data for development project Flowminder, co-founded by the SSE/Misum-researcher Erik Wetter, in Huffington Post.
Russia’s external economic links—challenges and opportunities
30 October 2016
Russia’s external economic links are too heavily focused on exchanging natural resources for consumption and investment goods, but oil creates too much uncertainty and is not a sustainable driver of growth for Russia or the world. What are the challenges and opportunities for growth in Russia?
Mikael Hernant recieves an Honorable mention for his book
30 October 2016
The Honorable mention was awarded by the Stockholm Marketing Association.
Forskare vid Handels-högskolan i Stockholm levererar en första analys av sociala företag i Sverige som en del av SEFORÏs forskningsprojekt
28 October 2016
En omfattande studie för att undersöka potentialen för socialt företagande har genomförts i ett antal EU länder, Ryssland och Kina. Forskare vid SITE på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm kan nu presentera en första analys av sociala företag i Sverige som en del av forskningsprojektet.
Sara Rosengren BSc Teacher of the Year 2015/2016!
27 October 2016
According to SASSE she is a great role model with an incredible insight in her field of choice. She has a fantastic way to inspire and convey the course content, showing that she cares about the students.
Professor Lars-Gunnar Mattsson tilldelas IVAs Guldmedalj
26 October 2016
Under Kungl. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademiens, IVAs, 97e Högtidssammankomst den 28 oktober tilldelas Professor Lars-Gunnar Mattsson guldmedalj för ”sin centrala roll i att utveckla industriell internationell marknadsföring som akademiskt ämnesområde.”