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Fieldwork within the project ‘Entrepreneurial networking in different national contexts’ was launched in Chile

10 December 2015
Chile is one of several national contexts in which early stage entrepreneurial networking will be explored. In beginning of November, two of the team members, Sara Värlander and Ingela Sölvell interviewed more than 20 startup founders, government representatives, incubator leaders and VCs during a first field trip. Several interviews were conducted within ‘Socialab’, an incubator for NGOs. Socialab (picture) is located inside ‘Idea Factory’ in Santiago including a range of innovation initiatives. 

Three new Professors appointed at SSE

10 December 2015
The Board of Directors at the Stockholm School of Economics has appointed three new professors; Robin Teigland, Hans Kjellberg and Magnus Mähring.

Center for Retailing i nya Stockholmslokaler

08 December 2015
Center for Retailing vid Handelshögskolan har nyligen flyttat från Norrtälje till nya lokaler i hjärtat av Stockholm. Lokalerna är helt anpassade till det treåriga kandidatprogrammet i Retail Management som drivs i centrets regi. Den fysiska närheten till Handelshögskolans övriga verksamhet och till partnerföretagen bidrar positivt till både utbildning och forskning.

SSE and the Nobel Prize

07 December 2015
Stockholm School of Economics has uniquely close ties to the Prize in Economics Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. Three of our professors currently serve on the Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences and each year’s laureate visits our school every December.

Executive Education to be integrated with SSE

07 December 2015
The Stockholm School of Economics programs for executive education, IFL Executive Education, will now be completely integrated with the Stockholm School of Economics brand under the new name SSE Executive Education.

Lars Strannegård in Financial Times

07 December 2015
The Deans column published today in Financial Times is written by Lars Strannegård on the lessons of Alfred Nobel.

Handelskvinnor: "Sluta göra oss till offer"

04 December 2015
I en debattartikel i Veckans Affärer skriver kvinnliga studenter och alumner att de har tröttnat på att pekas ut som offer. "Skolan är förmodligen en av landets främsta hubbar för kvinnor på ledande positioner."

Master Thesis Award to Accounting Students

03 December 2015
On November 23 two graduates of the Master Program in Accounting and Financial Management, Sebastian Anesten and Niclas Möller, were awarded the Söderberg Partner Prize for best master thesis in finance. Niclas and Sebastian wrote their thesis "Complex Parsimony in Equity Valuation – An Empirical Assessment of Model Design and the Incremental Effects of Complexity" under the supervision of Professor Kenth Skogsvik in the spring of 2015. Congratulations Niclas and Sebastian!

Henning Christner Awarded Wallander Scholarship

30 November 2015
Henning Christner, at the Department of Accounting, has been awarded the Wallander scholarship from Handelsbanken Forskningsstiftelser. Henning defended his thesis "The Valuable Organisation" on June 12. Congratulations Henning!

Scientific betting may reveal research results that are too good to be true

30 November 2015
Research results that cannot be replicated are a problem in all fields of research. In an international project, researchers at the Stockholm School of Economics have now demonstrated that betting on scientific results could be a way to diminish this problem.