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Welcome to the Class of 2015 in the Master Program in Accounting and Financial Management

31 August 2015
On August 27, Henrik Nilsson, as the head of the master program in Accounting and Financial Management, hosted a welcome reception in his garden in Enskede for our 57 new master students. Welcome to the Class of 2015!

The department of Accounting welcomes two new PhD students

31 August 2015
This semester we welcome two new PhD students to the department. Patrik Tran, (previously a research assistant and master student) and Emilia Cederberg (previously at Sustainalytics) both enter the PhD program as of September 1. Most welcome to the department Patrik and Emelia!

Meditating Managers make better decisions

27 August 2015
Managers who have a meditative approach to work can include more and broader perspectives when making important decisions, which may ultimately lead to the development of operations in a more sustainable way. 

Open Lecture on Human Rights in Japan

27 August 2015
André Asplund, postdoctoral research fellow at the European Institute of Japanese Studies, will give a lecture on "Human Rights in Japan" at Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University. 

Responsibility for Competitiveness – SSE's first progress report to PRME

25 August 2015
Stockholm School of Economics became a member of PRME* 2013 and has now submitted its first progress report to the Secretariat. It includes information on development since signing up to PRME as well as the goals for the coming 24 months in line with PRME’s six principles.

Taking the impact of social entrepreneurs to scale

21 August 2015
How to increase the real impacts that social enterprises make? How to accelerate the scaling of impactful social enterprise experiences? How to help social enterprises in growing their impact? Marieke Huysentruyt, Assistant Professor at Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics and Faculty Fellow at London School of Economics, highlights 3 powerful, practical strategies that can help kickstart the 'impact growth' of social enterprises.

The Executive MBA at SSE generates entrepreneurs

18 August 2015
"The Local" catched up with two expat alumni of the Executive MBA to find out more about how the program made their entrepreneurial drive turn into real action.

SITE Corruption conference will host distinguished scholars

17 August 2015
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and the Association of Swedish Development Economists (ASWEDE) has the pleasure to invite you to the SITE Academic conference "Fighting Corruption in Developing and Transition Countries".

Russia plans new gas supply routes to Europe sidestepping Ukraine

03 August 2015
Chloé Le Coq, an assistant professor at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, comments about Russia’s plans to build a new offshore gas pipeline across the Black Sea and Turkey on financial daily news service Dagens industri.

Presentation order can be a powerful determinant of choice in a list-based environment

14 July 2015
New research paper by Ina Ganguli, affiliated researcher at SITE and assistant professor of Economics at University of Massachusetts Amherst, published by National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) sheds light on how order in the list of economics papers in a weekly email newsletter can affect the viewing and citation rate of scientific research papers.