Vetenskapsrådet funds new research projects
10 November 2014
SSE researchers Ebba Sjögren, Anja Hjelström, Tomas Hjelström and Karin Svedberg Helgesson have been awarded research funding from Vetenskapsrådet.
Adjustment of Admission Requirements for MSc in Business and Management
06 November 2014
The Stockholm School of Economics modifies the requirements for admission to the Master of Science in Business & Management.
SSE in the Debate
06 November 2014
SSE replies on Dilsa Demirbag-Sten's column on entrepreneurship in Dagens Nyheter.
New Swedish Prime Minister visits SSE Riga
28 October 2014
On his first trip abroad as Prime Minister, Sweden’s recently elected Stefan Löfven visited Finland and the three Baltic countries on September 20-21, 2014.
Congratulations to Richard Friberg - BSc Teacher of the Year
23 October 2014
Congratulations to Richard Friberg who won BSc Teacher of the Year 13/14!
The new Minister for Higher Education and Research visited SSE
23 October 2014
Helene Hellmark Knutsson, the new Minister for Higher Education and Research visited SSE on October 22 at the SUHF conference.
New web:
28 September 2014
We are proud to launch this new website for the Stockholm School of Economics,
Tribute to Folke Ölander: 21 July 1935 – 28 December 2013
18 September 2014
Folke Ölander, Honorary Doctor at the Stockholm School of Economics (1999), passed away on December 28, 2013, after a short period of severe illness.
Coming workshops
12 September 2014
Check our agenda for coming workshops in the fall
The EU Leniency Programme and Recidivism
08 September 2014
by Catarina Marvao, SITE Working Paper