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On the Role of Capital Gains in Top Incomes

01 October 2010
by Jesper Roine (witd D. Waldenström), Uppsala Center for Labor Studies Working Paper

Paying Attention to Payoffs in Analogy-Based Learning

30 September 2010
by Topi Miettinen, published in the Econ Theory

Bank Location and Financial Liberalization Reforms: Evidence from Microgeographic Data

01 September 2010
by Marieke Huysentruyt (with E. Lefevere and C. Menon), published in the SERC discussion paper series

Intergenerational top income mobility in Sweden: Capitalist dynasties in the land of equal opportunity?

01 September 2010
by Jesper Roine (with A. Björklund and D. Waldenström), the Institute for the Study of Labor Discussion Paper

Commitment in Alternating Offers Bargaining

01 September 2010
by Topi Miettinen (with A. Perea), Working Paper

Trust, Salience and Deterrence

16 August 2010
by Chloé Le Coq and Giancarlo Spagnolo (with M. Bigoni and S. Fridolfsson), IFN Working Paper No. 859

Productivity in Contests: Organizational Culture and Personality Effects

13 July 2010
by Marieke Huysentruyt and Topi Miettinen (with O. Andersson, and U. Stephan), published in the Jena Economic Research Papers

Access to Credit Information Promotes Market Entries of European Banks

01 July 2010
by Giancarlo Spagnolo (with N. Jentzsch and C. Giannetti), published in Weekly Report, DIW Berlin

"Babij Jar and the Eastern Outposts of the Holocaust"

22 June 2010
Lennart Samuelson appears in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet with an essay about the extent of the Holocaust in occupied territories of the Soviet Union 1941-1944.

The Costs of Political Influence Firm-Level Evidence from Developing Countries

01 June 2010
by Anders Olofsgård (with R. Desai), published in the Quarterly Journal of Political Science