Boozt joins the SSE Corporate Partnership Program
14 March 2023
The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) is excited to welcome Boozt to its Corporate Partnership Program.
New SSE collaborative innovation project for public sector governance: SustainGov
13 March 2023
First Partner Meeting between Score and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
13 March 2023
On 10 February the first partner meeting was held at Score, Stockholm University. The purpose of the partnership between Score and SEI is to take the first steps toward a joint basic research project with the aim to compare differently organized collaboration initiatives in the climate field.
SSE’s incubator solves social problems with tech – admits 9 new startups
13 March 2023
Nine new startups have been admitted to the Stockholm School of Economics’ startup incubator, SSE Business Lab. Several of the business ideas seek to bridge social divides and promote social cohesion.
David Domeij has been appointed the Eva and Mats Qviberg Professor in Economics
10 March 2023
David Domeij, professor at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), has been appointed the Eva and Mats Qviberg Professor in Economics.
Vacancy: Research Assistant positions at the Department of Economics
09 March 2023
The Department of Economics is announcing up to three fulltime positions as a Research Assistant. The primary task of the RA will be to assist faculty at the Department of Economics in research related tasks.
Sustainability and health at Systembolaget
08 March 2023
Systembolaget Retail Club had a workshop about alcohol consumption and health.
Magnus Johannesson among the best scientists in the world, according to new ranking
08 March 2023
SSE Professor Magnus Johannesson is ranked as one of the world’s best scientists in the arena of Economics and Finance, according to He shares this honor with several Nobel Laureates.
Rebuilding Ukraine: The gender dimension of the reconstruction process
08 March 2023
The post-war reconstruction of Ukraine will have to comprehensively address a number of objectives to set the country on a path of stable, sustainable and inclusive growth. In this policy paper, researchers from the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and the Forum for Research on Gender Economics (FROGEE) together with other gender economics experts argue that the principles of “building-back better” need to take the gender dimension under consideration.
Another Russia could have been possible – Isak Axelson
08 March 2023
Russian history is marked by oppression, with the war in Ukraine serving as a painful reminder. However, in the last 170 years, there have been moments of hope for the country. SSE student and Applied History course alumn, Isak Axelson explores three periods of liberalization in Russia that provide valuable lessons.