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EIJS Policy Brief "The Abe Legacy"

17 October 2022
By Wrenn Yennie Lindgren, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Richard Nakamura, University of Gothenburg & Patrik Ström, European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics

Financial Times Executive MBA ranking 2022

17 October 2022
The SSE MBA Executive Format program is ranked at #57 out of 100 ranked programs in the FT Executive MBA ranking, published today. The #1 Executive MBA program in the Nordics.

Opening of the House of Governance and Public Policy

14 October 2022
The Center for Statecraft and Strategic Communication is proud to announce its participation in the House of Governance and Public Policy at the Stockholm School of Economics.

The CIVICA university alliance embarks on a new and ambitious phase

13 October 2022
This month, on the occasion of Erasmus+ days, the university alliance CIVICA celebrates its three-year anniversary with the launch of the new phase. The alliance, which includes the European University Institute (EUI), also welcomes two new members: IE University (Spain) and SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Poland).

CIVICA condemns violence against the freedom of expression in Iran

13 October 2022
CIVICA stands in solidarity with students, professors, university staff and the people of Iran, who are being attacked by governmental forces for exercising their rights to freedom of expression. 

Sustainability KPIs at Kicks

12 October 2022
The students in Axel Johnson retail club had a workshop on KPIs of sustainability at the AxBeauty House/Kicks headquarters.

Laurence Romani in Digital Panel: Increasing Financial Inclusion in Sweden and Abroad

12 October 2022
Oct 26, 2022, 5:00 PM Central European Summer Time

Researcher Saman Amir: If the residents of Nyköping buy less that's a good thing

11 October 2022
If "Cirkulära Öster" ("The Circular East") can lead to that the people of Nyköping are consuming less, and that less goods are being produced, it’s good for the environment, according to a researcher. And that may lead to new job opportunities as well.

New research hub to meet the governance challenges of an uncertain future

11 October 2022
The world is facing complex and major challenges, including energy supply, climate change and integration. Finding solutions will require collaborative governance that crosses the boundaries of the private and public. To meet the demand for such knowledge the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) is launching a new research hub – the House of Governance and Public Policy (GaPP).

Entrepreneurship and research go hand in hand

11 October 2022
With a background rooted in urban planning and sustainability from the Royal Institute of Technology and a specialization in management from Karolinska Institute, Ph.D student Saman Amir’s work at SSE revolves around sustainability with focus on the circular economy. She is passionate about sustainability both from the environmental and socio-economic justice standpoint and is now investigating the circular supply chains from a sustainability, business strategy and operations perspective.