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HOI research | Artificial intelligence both substitutes and complements human capabilities

01 June 2022
The best possible future for integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into the workplace sees AI- related skills like data science being paired with quintessential human skills such as creativity, empathy, and interpersonal communication. This according to a new study from the Stockholm School of Economics, Copenhagen Business School, and the University of Geneva.

Då är vår sociala medier-intelligens som lägst

01 June 2022
Efter klockan 21 är risken 25 procent högre att du missförstår andras inlägg eller själv gör inlägg du ångrar på sociala medier. En veckodag är också särskilt riskabel. Det menar Micael Dahlen i serien "Livet i siffror” i SvD.

Anslag till Per Andersson

01 June 2022
Marianne och Marcus Wallenbergs Stiftelse har beviljat 1.000.000 kr som bidrag för anställning av Alona Natorina, affiliated researcher från Ukraina.

SSE Corporate Partner Pfizer collaborates through Executive Trainee Module

01 June 2022
Through SSE’s Executive Trainee Module, students are offered work experience and participating companies are offered fresh perspectives and competence. Henrik Rommedahl, Sales Manager at Pfizer, discusses the benefits for a company to participate, such as new perspectives, diversity, and a positive atmosphere.

European Week – a great experience for CIVICA students

31 May 2022
With only a month left to the second CIVICA European Week taking place at Bocconi University in Milan, SSE student Rasmus Salén who took part in the previous European Week in Stockholm, is taking a look back and explaining to the attendees of this year what they can expect of the experience.

Gender-based violence in conflict

30 May 2022
The eruption of war exposes women to increased gender-based violence, in the immediate conflict area as well as in the countries where they seek refuge. Acknowledging the specific conflict-related risks that women face is important, in order to target interventions, especially considering that the actors that sit at peace negotiation tables are predominantly or exclusively men.

Almedalen week 2022

30 May 2022
After two year’s pandemic hiatus, Almedalen week has returned to Visby. SSE will bring its vision and research to this important platform for democratic discussion, innovation and networking.

New report | How can we know if mission-driven innovation really makes a difference?

30 May 2022
A new report from the Stockholm School of Economics draws on recent literature to develop a framework for evaluating mission-driven innovation environments and the work principles that guide their development.

Misum is looking for a Research and Communication Assistant

26 May 2022
Do you want to be part of Misum’s team and support our work as well as ongoing sustainable development at SSE? Misum is looking for a dedicated Research and Communication Assistant to join the Misum Head Quarter team from August 2022!

The energy and climate crisis facing Europe: How to strike the right balance

25 May 2022
Policymakers in Europe are currently faced with the difficult task of reducing our reliance on Russian oil and gas without worsening the situation for firms and households that are struggling with high energy prices. The two options available are either to substitute fossil fuel imports from Russia with imports from other countries and cut energy tax rates to reduce the impacts on firms and household budgets, or to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels entirely by investing heavily in low-carbon energy production.