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Sweden has a public healthcare system that provides medical care to all residents. To access healthcare, you need to have a personal number and be registered with a healthcare provider.
  • Personal Number

    To access healthcare in Sweden, you need to have a personal number. You can get a personal number by applying at the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) after you have received your residence permit.

  • Healthcare Provider

    Once you have a personal number, you should register with a healthcare provider. You can choose a healthcare provider yourself or be assigned one by your local county council (landsting). You can choose a healthcare provider yourself by using the app "Alltid Öppet" or log in to 1177.se (both sites require access to bankid, please see first steps guide for more information). Most healthcare centers have forms on their websites via which you can apply, and some also offer the opportunity to do the application process on site. 

  • Cost

    The cost of healthcare in Sweden varies depending on your healthcare provider and the type of care you need. You pay a patient fee which is usually no more than 400 Swedish kronors. Stockholm County has a website where they have gathered more information about the fees (originally in Swedish but can be translated via for example google crome): https://www.1177.se/Stockholm/sa-fungerar-varden/kostnader-och-ersattningar/patientavgifter-i-stockholms-lan/

  • Emergency Care

    In case of an emergency, you should call 112. The emergency services will dispatch an ambulance or other necessary resources. The emergency room (akutmottagning) at a hospital is available 24/7 for emergency medical treatment.

  • General Practitioner

    To access primary healthcare, you need to see a general practitioner, known as a "läkare." Your healthcare provider/center can refer you to a general practitioner or you can search for one yourself.

  • Specialist Care

    If you need specialized medical care, you will need a referral from your general practitioner. Specialist care is available at hospitals and specialized clinics.

  • Dental Care

    Dental care is not included in the public healthcare system in Sweden. You will need to pay for dental care out of pocket or purchase private dental insurance.

  • Prescription Medication

    Prescription medication is available at pharmacies, known as "apotek." You will need a prescription from a doctor to purchase prescription medication.

  • Language

    Healthcare providers in Sweden are typically more comfortable speaking Swedish (even though most people speak English), so it's helpful to learn the language or bring a translator with you.