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Sustainability Track

The Sustainability Track is a combination of eligible courses at SSE including a sustainability focused thesis and is open to all SSE MSc students. Upon the successful completion of the coursework, a note regarding the completion of the Sustainability Track will be included on the degree certificate.

The following requirements must be fulfilled in order to receive the Sustainability Track note on the degree certificate:

Part 1: Take two courses (a total of 15 ECTS) from a pre-determined list of elective courses at SSE

As part of the Sustainability Track, the following courses are currently eligible (new courses TBC):

At least 7,5 ECTS must be taken at SSE, but it will be possible to partially fulfill the elective course requirements with a maximum of 7,5 ECTS when on exchange. This must be pre-approved before the exchange by Associate Professor Lin Lerpold who has the academic responsibility for the track. A course description must be submitted for pre-approval.

Part 2: Write your MSc thesis focused on sustainability

To be eligible, write your MSc thesis focused on the broad themes within sustainable development. Important to know is that there is no single method or theory defined, your thesis must adhere to the requirements of your degree program for approval. In a similar vein, it is also important to recognize that there is no industry or company that is “sustainable by default”. For inspiration, the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals are a good starting point

The thesis topic needs to be pre-approved by your thesis course director and finally approved for the Sustainability Track when submitted for examination by faculty responsible Lin Lerpold.

If you have fulfilled the requirements for the Sustainability Track and want it recognized on your degree certificate, we kindly ask that you provide the necessary information when applying for your degree certificate.

Should you have any questions regarding this track, feel free to contact our MSc admissions team directly.