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Student health & academic support

Being a student can be challenging, stressful and worrying at times. At SSE there are a wide range of support services, all designed to help you navigate through your academic journey. We provide on-campus mental health support to students as well as pedagogical support to students with permanent disabilities and other specific educational needs. Our goal is to ensure that all students can pursue their studies under the same conditions.

Student health support

Student Wellbeing Counsellor
SSE’s student wellbeing counsellor is available on campus to provide mental health support for students, whether it be stress, anxiety, social difficulties, routine support or general health and well-being advice. Or maybe you just need someone to talk to. Whatever is on your mind, feel free to reach out.

SSE Student Health Council
The purpose of the Student Health Council is to promote health among students at SSE through cooperation between SSE and the student association SASSE. Joint and individual initiatives are prepared, coordinated and implemented.

SSE Health Day
The SSE Health Day is a collaboration between SSE and the student association SASSE. It's a full day of activities around mental, physical and general health open for students, faculty, and staff.

Mindful Monday Sessions
As a student at SSE, you are able to join a free Mindful Monday session
every Monday at 12.40-13.00. Mindful Mondays is a collaborative initiative for and by SSE students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Mindful Mondays strives to make SSE more mindful by providing guided meditation sessions. The perfect break from your studies to relax, destress and proceed your day in a more focused way. No prior experience is needed - just show up! Occasionally, Mindful Mondays also arrange pop-up events, such as Mindful Eating, Mindfulness Retreats, Mindful Dance, and Yoga Sessions.​​ 

National initative: Studenthalsa.se
is your portal to student health, no matter where or how you study in Sweden. Here you find useful resources, events and interviews that can provide you with tips and advice for improved well-being.

Academic support

Academic advising
SSE provides advising to enrolled SSE students. This includes study planning, study technique tips and other study related questions and issues. Our Academic Advisors follow the students throughout their academic journey here at SSE.

Study with a disability
Students at SSE who have been diagnosed with a disability have the right to apply for special pedagogical support. The Discrimination Act (SFS 2008: 567) defines disability as a:
"permanent physical, mental or intellectual limitations of a person's functional capacity which, as a result of an injury or illness, existed from birth, have occurred subsequently or can be expected to occur".

Pedagogical support involves various forms of efforts, for example, adjustments in connection with written exams, note-taking support, recorded course literature etc.

You send in your application via Nais. The assessment of the support that may be required is made individually by the specific educational needs coordinator.

Please note that temporary or short-term injury or illness does not qualify as a disability and are not covered by pedagogical support.

Make sure to read the document "Guidelines for support to students with disabilities".Questions? Feel free to contact the Specific Educational Needs Coordinator.