Roine Vestman

Roine Vestman is Professor of Economics at Stockholm University. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from New York University, USA, and a M.Sc. degree from Stockholm School of Economics.
Vestman’s research interests focus on households’ and individuals’ consumption, savings, and housing choice and their implications for the macroeconomy. He also does research on the design of pension plans, and the functioning of the mutual fund industry. He has been a visiting researcher at Sveriges Riksbank.
Vestman is a board member at AP7 (Sjunde AP-fonden) and a scientific advisor to the Swedish Debt Office (Riksgälden). He has had advisory roles at the Swedish FSA (Finansinspektionen) and in government inquiries on borrower-based macroprudential policy and the micro data needs of Sveriges Riksbank and FInansinspektionen.
Roine Vestman, Kathrin Schlafmann and Ofer Setty (2024). Designing Pension Plans According to Consumption-Savings Theory, Review of Financial Studies, Forthcoming
Paolo Sodini, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Roine Vestman and Ulf von Lilienfeld‐Toal (2023). Identifying the Benefits from Home Ownership: A Swedish Experiment, American Economic Review, vol. 113, pp. 3173-3212
Roine Vestman, Johan Almenberg, Annamaria Lusardi and Jenny Säve-Söderbergh (2021). Attitudes towards Debt and Debt Behavior. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 123, pp. 780-809, 2021
Roine Vestman, Martin Flodén, Matilda Kilström and Jósef Sigurdsson (2021). Household Debt and Monetary Policy: Revealing the Cash-Flow Channel. Economic Journal, Vol. 131, pp. 1742–1771
Roine Vestman (2019). Limited Stock Market Participation Among Renters and Homeowners. Review of Financial Studies, vol. 32, pp.1494-1535
Magnus Dahlquist, Ofer Setty and Roine Vestman (2018). On the Asset Allocation of a Default Pension Fund. Journal of Finance, vol. 73, pp. 1893-1936
Markus Ibert, Ron Kaniel, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh and Roine Vestman (2018). Are Mutual Fund Managers Paid for Investment Skill?. Review of Financial Studies, vol. 31, pp. 715-772
Anders Anderson, Anna Dreber Almenberg and Roine Vestman (2015). Risk Taking, Behavioral Biases, and Genes: Results from 149 Active Investors. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, vol. 6, pp. 93-100