Summer internship positions with Resility at Swedish House of Finance
May. 15, 2019
Resility is seeking several highly-qualified and dedicatedgraduate students to intern for seven weeks, starting on July1st and ending on August 16th, specifically working on theNordic Compass research tool. Interns will receive a salaryand could be considered for a full-time research position atthe Swedish House of Finance.

Students will have the opportunity to work with an extraordinary leadership team that is dedicated to producing topquality, unparalleled research. The executive team has beeneducated at Harvard and KTH, and holds significant professional experience from top firms including Goldman Sachs
Projects and tasks
Interns will research a pre-selected set of publicly-traded Nordic companies and complete a data collection effort focused on ESG metrics. Data collection will be performed based on an established set of rules and guidelines, set forth in the collection manual and data definitions provided by Resility. Interns will work under the guidance of an experienced Resility summer intern alumnus. Each intern will be expected to complete data collection for approximately 80 assigned companies. Intern work will be supported by the leadership of Resility.
Location and leadership
The internship is a full-time commitment held in Stockholm in collaboration with the Swedish House of Finance. Resility Internship Managers Mr. Zihao Liu and Ms. Chunyang Han are leading the data collection efforts. Anders Anderson, Executive Director of SHoF, will supervise the internship.
Read more about the Resility and the internship in the link to the right.