Hyeonjoon David Park

Hyeonjoon Park is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Oklahoma Price College of Business.
The area of Hyeonjoon's research expertise is centered around the fields of venture capital, innovation, and entrepreneurship but also includes climate risk and corporate bankruptcy. Recently, he has delved into examining the impact of climate risk on venture capital investors and startups. His academic contributions have been acknowledged by the acceptance of his research papers in renowned conference programs, such as ASAC, ABF&E, EFMA, FMCG, SWFA, WEAI & IBEFA, WFBS, and WFC. Furthermore, his work has been commended with the receipt of the Best Student Paper Award (ASAC, 2022) and a finalist selection for the Robert A. Olsen Best Doctoral Student Paper Award (ABF&E, 2022).
Hyeonjoon is expected to finish his Ph.D. in finance in 2024 and will be available for interviews for the job market in 2023-2024. Prior to his Ph.D., he finished his Master of Science in finance at Yonsei University.