Angus Deaton 2015 Nobel Laureate in Economics
Sep. 08, 2015
Professor Peter Englund and Professor Per Strömberg are both members of the committee for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. We asked Peter Englund three questions about the 2015 Laureate.

Why was Angus Deaton awarded the prize this year?
– Angus Deaton is an unusually complete economist. His research has revolved around consumption, linking individual consumption decisions with outcomes for the economy as a whole. He has been ground breaking in his use of micro data to analyze macro circumstances and has influenced not only the scientific community but also practical policymaking.
Where can I find an overview of Angus Deatons research?
– I recommend watching the lecture “A Menagerie of Lines: How to Decide Who is Poor?” or the Nobel Symposium “Wellbeing”.
How did he react when you told him about the prize?
– He was calm, but happy of course! After he received the news he had about half an hour to prepare before participating by phone during the Nobel press conference