Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2024: Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson & James Robinson
Oct. 14, 2024
This year’s Nobel laureates in economic sciences have demonstrated the crucial role of societal institutions in shaping a country’s prosperity. Their research highlights why societies with weak rule of law and exploitative institutions fail to foster growth or drive meaningful change.

Swedish House of Finance (SHoF) researchers have long been involved in the selection committee since the prize’s inception. Per Strömberg, a SHoF researcher and Professor of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), serves as Vice President of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Ingrid Werner, Professor at Ohio State University and Chair of SHoF’s scientific advisory board, is a member of the Economic Sciences Committee for the Prize in Memory of Alfred Nobel.
See all previous Nobel related content

→ Article5 Dec 2022
Nobel Prize 2022: What is the role of banks in financial crises?
We sat down with our former director, Per Strömberg, a professor of finance at the Stockholm School of Economics and a member of the Nobel Prize Committee to discuss this year's economic sciences laureates. Their research has shaped the way we deal with financial crises, he says.
→ Event & Video: The Nobel discussion12 Dec 2022

→ Article22 Jan 2024
SHoF’s Per Strömberg Named Vice President of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
His election follows a significant period of service on the Nobel committee for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Science, where he contributed for eleven years and led as chairman for three.

→ Article & Video13 Oct 2020
Per Strömberg congratulates the 2020 Laureates in Economic Sciences

→ Event26-28 May 2018
Nobel symposium on “Money and Banking”
The goal of this Nobel Symposium was to discuss the insights from the recent convergence of theliteratures on money and banking, as well as future trends.

Nobel Prize winner Richard Thaler on Choice Architecture in Pension Systems
What does academic research and practical experiences tell us about choice architecture in pension systems? Professor Richard Thaler, University of Chicago, visited the Swedish House of Finance on 18 September to share his views based on his many years of research.
→ Event & Video18 Sep 2017
→ Article18 Sep 2017

→ Article: Nobel Laureates in Economics 201612 Oct 2016
→ Seminar & Video9 Dec 2016
SHoF held an informal discussion with this years recipients of the Nobel Price in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel; Professor Oliver Hart, Harvard University and Bengt Holmström, MIT
→ Article: Nobel laureate research: “The welfare debate can learn from contract theory”12 Jan 2016
How do you make people cooperate when their interests are not exactly the same? That’s’ what contract theory is all about, explains Per Strömberg, professor at Swedish House of Finance and chairman of the Economic Sciences prize committee, presenting the work of 2016 Nobel laureates Bengt Holmström and Oliver Hart
→ Seminar & video: Hur ska skattebetalarna skriva kontrakt med privata uppdragstagare?29 Nov 2016

→ News8 Sep 2015
Angus Deaton 2015 Nobel Laureate in Economics
Professor Peter Englund and Professor Per Strömberg are both members of the committee for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. We asked Peter Englund three questions about the 2015 Laureate.

→ Event9 Dec 2013
A Panel Discussion with the 2013 Sveriges Riksbank Nobel Prize Winners in Economics
The Swedish House of Finance hosted a panel discussion featuring the 2013 Nobel Laureates: Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen, and Robert Shiller. The discussion was moderated by Professor Magnus Dahlquist.
→ Article and Video7 Nov 2016
"History matters more than we thought"
Three years ago, the prize was awarded to Eugene F. Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert J. Shiller, for their empirical analysis of asset prices. See the interview from their visit at Swedish House of Finance – where they talk about opportunities for young researchers, and how the crisis changed the way they think about financial markets.