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Alexander Ljungqvist appointed to the Stefan Persson Family Chair in Entrepreneurial Finance
Alexander Ljungqvist, an internationally renowned professor specializing in corporate finance, entrepreneurship, and capital markets research, has been recruited to the Stockholm School of Economics...
Welcome Olga Obizhaeva and Jan Starmans
We are very happy to announce that Olga Obizhaeva and Jan Starmans will join Swedish House of Finance on August 1, 2018.
Bo Becker has been appointed to the Gösta Olson Chair in Financial Economics
Bo Becker, professor at the Stockholm School of Economics since 2013, has been appointed to the Gösta Olson Chair in Financial Economics.
Magnus Dahlquist and Per Strömberg recommendations to the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund
Professors Dahlquist and Strömberg recently handed in their respective reports commissioned by the Norwegian Finance Ministry on the management of the government pension fund.
Remissyttrande över promemorian "Ett tryggt och mer hållbart premiepensionssystem"
Forskare anslutna till Swedish House of Finance lämnade den 8 februari in ett remissyttrande till Finansdepartementet angående premiepensionssystemet.
Support for our conferences
We are grateful for the support to the conferences BI-SHoF Asset Pricing and Financial Econometrics and the Global Corporate Governance Colloquia from the Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation as...
Support for our conference on Sustainable Finance
We are grateful for the generous support from the Torsten Söderberg Foundation to the SHoF – Misum conference on Sustainable Finance, August 20 – 21 2018.
Kristine Hankins mini course on corporate finance and industrial organization
Kristine Hankins is William E. Seale Associate Professor of Finance at University of Kentucky and primarily focuses on corporate finance, risk management, capital structure, and payout policy. She...
Best Paper Award to Magnus Dahlquist
Congratulations Magnus Dahlquist whose paper “The Missing Risk Premium in Exchange Rates” (with Julien Penasse) was recently awarded Winner of Best Paper Award 2017 by ZZ Vermögensverwaltung and POK...
“The blockchain is a breakthrough as significant to business as the arrival of double entry book-keeping”
Did you miss the SNS / SHoF Finanspanel with David Yermack on blockchain technology?