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Seminar on insolvency resolution
Bo Becker, Professor at the Department of Finance, presented his chapter from the SNS Konjunkturrådsrapport on insolvency resolution and bankruptcy reform on April 23 at an SNS seminar. Bo Becker...
Marieke Bos presenting at SNS
Marieke Bos, visiting research fellow at the Swedish House of Finance, presented her chapter from the SNS Konjunkturrådsrapport at an SNS seminar on consumers credit decisions on April 22.
Congratulations Roméo and Ricardo
Roméo Tédongap, Associate Professor in Finance and Ricardo Lopez Aliouchkin, PhD student have been awarded SEK 121,000 from the Thule Foundation to carry out their research project ”Market...
Congratulations Fatemeh and Egle!
Fatemeh Hosseini and Egle Karmaziene have been awarded SEK 120,000 from Thule Foundation to carry out the research project "Do entrepreneurs save more to alleviate their borrowing constraint?”....
Sweden´s Financial Markets Minister visits Swedish House of Finance
Today we had the pleasure of having Sweden´s Financial Markets Minister, Mr. Per Bolund, and State Secretary Mr. Ulf Holm visiting us.
Congratulations, Francesco Sangiorgi
Francesco’s article "Uncertainty, Information Acquisition and Price Swings in Asset Markets", joint with Antonio Mele, has been accepted to the Review of Economic Studies.
Congratulations Lars Nordén and Björn Hagströmer, Stockholm University!
Lars and Björn’s article “Trading Fast and Slow: Colocation and Liquidity”, joint with Jonathan Brogaard, and Ryan Riordan, has been accepted to the Review of Financial Studies. The publication has...
Dong Yan will start as Assistant Professor in Finance at the SSE
We are pleased to announce that Dong Yan will start as Assistant Professor in Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics and a Research Fellow at the Swedish House of Finance in August 2015.
Congratulations, Michael!
Michael Halling has been appointed MSc Teacher of the year by the SASSE Education Committee. The prize is the honor and SEK 20.000. Michael is Associate Professor of Finance at the Stockholm School of...
Per Strömberg wins the 2014 Brattle Group Prize
We congratulate Ulf Axelson, Tim Jenkinson, Per Strömberg, and Michael S. Weisbach to their distinguished paper award for "Borrow Cheap, Buy High? The Determinants of Leverage and Pricing in...