Research in the spotlight
Explore the latest research from the Swedish House of Finance.
How much capital do banks need?
Swedish banks are well capitalized, in an international perspective but there can still be improvements. That was the agreement of the panelists at a SIFR / SNS Finanspanel on March 9.
Lively discussions on active shareholder engagement
”We need to realise the potential we have to influence as owners of companies.” Colin Melvin is CEO of Hermes EOS, a company specializing in helping institutional share owners meeting their fiduciary...
Nobel laureate research: “The welfare debate can learn from contract theory”
How do you make people cooperate when their interests are not exactly the same? That’s’ what contract theory is all about, explains Per Strömberg, professor at Swedish House of Finance and chairman of...
Executive education for the financial industry
Stockholm School of Economics Executive Education has been around since 1960 and the education has always been based on the research and faculty at the Stockholm School of Economics. Per Strömberg and...
High frequency trading changing markets
High frequency trading is a relatively new phenomenon that has been used on the Swedish market since 2010. Björn Hagströmer and Lars Nordén, based at Stockholm University, are visiting research...
Beyond financial returns – the new world of sustainable investing
An increasing number of investors are concerned with the wider impact of their investment decisions, above and beyond the financial returns generated. On November 9, a seminar and panel discussion on...
Big Data and Real-Time Economic Measurement
Governments have always tried to predict where the economy is heading. On September 7 Google Chief Economist Hal Varian visited Stockholm School of Economics to talk about how data from private...
Insurance Economics
On August 24 – 25, 2015 SIFR gathered academics, practitioners and regulators for a two day conference on Insurance Economics: New Risks, New Regulation, New Approaches.
House price bubble set to burst?
– It’s going to be worse before it gets better. For a long time I felt that no – this is not a bubble. But now I’m less confident. Households seems to still expect further price increases and that’s a...
High equity exposure in the default fund “Såfan”
Magnus Dahlquist is Professor of Finance and Head of the Department of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics. He has studied the effects of the new pension system introduced in 2000 and...