Research in the spotlight
Explore the latest research from the Swedish House of Finance.
Hysteresis in Price Efficiency and the Economics of Slow-moving Capital
Will arbitrage capital flow into markets experiencing shocks, mitigating adverse effects on price efficiency? Not necessarily. In a dynamic model with privately informed capital constrained...
2020 EFA Best Paper Prize Winners Announced - Congratulations Marcus Opp!
On August 20-21, the European Finance Association announced this year’s winners of the prestigious EFA Best Paper Prize in Responsible Finance. It was awarded to Associate Professor Marcus Opp from...
Two SSE Professors at the Heart of European Macro-prudential Regulation
On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Covid-19 a pandemic. As countries around the world implemented policies to contain the virus, and as global populations observed social...
The Only 'Free Lunch' in Finance
As the infamous saying goes - in life there are no ‘free lunches’. What about in finance? Paolo Sodini, Professor at the Swedish House of Finance and a founder of the Centre for Economic Policy...
PhD-student Yingjie Qi Accepts Offer at CBS
A huge congratulations to Yingjie Qi who will join Copenhagen Business School (CBS) as Assistant Professor this academic year. Yingjie Qi, originally from China, has a Masters Degree from Washington...
Let’s talk about the weather (again)!
Not long ago – before the Covid-19 crisis - the world stood captivated in horror as scenes of environmental devastation and tragic loss of live in the Australian bushfires was televised across the...
Ivika Jäger Receives Offer at Aalto University
Congratulations Ivika Jäger! PhD student Ivika Jäger at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), Department of Finance, recently accepted a three year postdoctoral contract at Aalto University*,...
The growth of non-bank finance and new monetary policy tools
How does the presence of “shadow banks” – non-bank, unregulated financial intermediaries – affect the ability of central banks to tackle a liquidity crisis? Adrien d’Avernas, Assistant Professor,...
Corporate Debt Burdens Threaten Economic Recovery After COVID-19
In an article with Ulrich Hege Professor of Toulouse School of Economics and Pierre Mella-Barral Professor of Toulouse Business School, Professor Bo Becker recently examined how corporate debt burdens...
How staying home for a few weeks can start a recession
As the US begins to take increasingly drastic steps to combat the spread of coronavirus, it’s important to be prepared for the economic consequences of these measures.