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Interview with Lydia Graflund

Recipient of the Young Alumni of the Year Award 2023

What is the most exciting/rewarding part of your work?

The most exciting part of my work is that it contributes to improving a gender equality issue in our society, and it feels extremely rewarding to put your energy into something that actually makes a positive difference for other people. I remind myself of this when times get hard (which they do for everyone at times); that the purpose is bigger than “only” running a business - we try to change the way women live their lives, and increase their quality of life.


What developments in women’s health are you most excited for in the coming 5-10 years?

That women get equal healthcare in Sweden. Women are waiting for years to see specialists within female healthcare in large parts of Sweden, and are being told that menstrual pain, leading to absence at work or school every month, is normal. It takes on average eight years to get diagnosed with endometriosis today, a disease 10% of all women in the world suffer from. This leads to gender inequality, in work life and in general life, and we need to change this. We have treatments to help these women, but female healthcare needs to be prioritized in our society.


What were your dreams back when you started at SSE in 2010?

I dreamt of working with something that made me feel passionate about what I contribute to every day, and that was bigger than my career in itself. I feel that I have found that now.


As a successful entrepreneur, what do you see as the most important aspects to consider in terms of creativity and innovation?

Work in a field that you feel passionate about. Times will get tough and you will feel less creative during those days - but as long as you work within a field that you truly care about, you’ll continue to get through.


What’s your favorite memory from SSE?

My favorite memory from SSE is the familiarity I felt going to school. This is where I met a bunch of new faces, who became my classmates and then my closest friends, and now we’re walking through life together. The school really felt like my home turf, and gave me both a feeling of security and inspiration as everything felt possible.


What three words would you choose to describe what got you to where you are today?

Support, energy and grit.