Lisa Forslund: Ships passing in the night

So I made this film
So that my new boyfriend will treat me better
So he will not crush my heart with his hooves
Like my old cow did
So what I’m saying is I must remember
It was so bad
So I’m letting you see me and my old cow
Such a good comparison—a man is a cow
So clumsy with my heart
So spoiled
So that’s how I want you to see it
Patterns of distrust
Unlocked in my old cow’s face
As the blood boils in his veins
So I am the water in his boiling blood
They were
So right when they said we were
So wrong for each other
So this is what my words want to say about it
I was the disaster
And so was he
The world is just a million little scenes
So alike
So we could have just traded lives with each other
And nothing would change
We never really broke up
So that’s why I made this film
So my new art won’t crush my soul
like my old cow did
So loud is the hunt for a good story—and so useful
So I cast my old cow to play himself
So all I will remember
Is the lines he said while playing
Not his cow like screams when arguing in bed
So ugly, that word
So when you stage a memory
You forget what really happened
So now that information is lost forever
The heartbeat is Like a living clock
It counts the time
So a clock is
A dead pulse
Life is a calculation example I think
So is my pulse after many hours of arguing
So this art is made for my new pulse
So it will not race
So it will not hammer like a hoof against my chest