Alongside Us #2
”The men in my images are signs for men, trying to find their place in times of turmoil.” The words are from the Swedish photographer Maria Friberg - an artist investigating power, masculinity and man´s relationship to nature and consumption. Friberg’s female gaze often captures smartly attired men in unexpectedly solemn, vulnerable and also sensual contexts. Friberg often experiments by placing men in contexts we, stereotypically, rarely find them. Also we find them in a state of passivity. Her images challenges pre-conceived ideas of identity, gender and hierarchies.
In room Estrid Maria Friberg´s Alongside Us #2 (2007) hangs to remind us of … what? Maybe that we are part of nature?
SSE has no less than three art works by Friberg in our permanent collection.
Read about Somewhere else here, and Changed Position here.