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After the event

The actual event has been executed, and just the last pieces of work is left, before you can close the project.

After the event, tick off the following aspects, if applicable: 

  • Venue:

    • Restore and clean the venue, and leave in great shape. 
    • Return all borrowed items, such as coathangers. 
    • Hand back keys and key cards. 
  • Communication: 

    • Send out a Thank you-letter/email to all attendees, speakers, moderators, suppliers and others that have been involved in the event. You may also want to include the presentation, a summary of the event, relevant links, and a survey to obetain their impression of the event.  
    • Follow-up on your guests with relevant content, and invitations to similar events that may be of interest to them. 
  • Follow-up and evaluation: 

    • Send feedback to the suppliers (if any)
    • Send out a questionnaire/survey to the participants with questions about what they thought of the event.
    • Make an evaluation for internal purposes: What was good? What can we do differently next time? Did we acheieve our objectives? 
  • GDPR compliance: 

    • Erase or anonymise personal information no longer needed, such as dietary requirements. 
    • Protect all data from unauthorized use and access.
    • Document how you intend to use the data.
  • Economy: 

    • Follow up on the budget 
    • Check that all invoices are in line with the Letter of Offers agreed upon