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Before the event

When planning an event or a conference, go through all aspects of the event on the quick checklist below well in advance, to make sure they all have allocated time and resources.

Please find more info, by clicking on each header. 

  • Planning

    Create a Project plan where you respond to the applicable questions below: 

    • Purpose and obectives: What do we want to achieve with the event? 
    • Targt audience: Who do we want to attend the event? 
    • Budget: How will the event be funded and what costs are involved?
    • Time management: Set up a timeline to get an overview when you need to do what. 
    • Roles, responsibilities, staffing: Who should work with event; both in the planning phase and during the event? 
  • Designing the program

    Have look at the Project Plan, to ensure that the program fulfills your obejectives. 

    • Layout and design: Length, format and logistics throughout the event
    • Speakers: Ensure diversity on stage. 
    • Moderator:An important role that holds the program together
    • Entertainment and artists: Showcase SSEs very multitalanted students, such as singers and muscians 
    • FREE: Involve our educational mission FREE in your program. 
  • Venue/s and resources

    • Book venue: Via TimeEdit or Info Center. Book the venue longer than the event itself - both before and after - for set-up and cleaning. 
    • Accessability: Review the venue to ensure that disability accommodations (such as wheelchair accessibility) are available.
    • Doors, keys and key cards: Get in touch with Peter Fridlund and/or Jimmy Hansen (peter.fridlund@hhs.se and jimmy.hansen@hhs.se) to get the access needed for the event on your key card or by programming the doors.
      Contact Premises Caretaker (premisescaretaker@hhs.se), if you need a key for the room.  
    • Cleaning: Order extra cleaning of the premises, both before and after the event. Contact Public Clean: nabila@publicclean.se and marcelo@publicclean.se
    • Refurbishing: Get in touch with Public Clean if you need help with moving around furniture at the venue. 
    • Technical equipment: Check what technical equipment that is avaible in the venue. You might need to rent additinal equipment and service. Check for suppliers on the Portal.
    • Coat hangers/wardrobe: Book another room to set up a wardrobe if needed. Coat hangers are sometimes availble for borrowing at Special Events, floor 6. 

  • Communication and documentation:

    • Plan your communication: How do you want to comminicate, and what is your key message? 
      Remember the internal communication at SSE. 

    • Tools to invite and manage attendees: Contact tina.manochehri@hhs.se to get access to the registration system. 

    • Graphic material, logos and profile products: Please find guidelines, logos and templates on the Portal under External Relations.
      Clarify what units that are applicable to the event, both print and digital. 
      Find design suppliers on the Supplier-list on the Portal. 
    • Media relations - press routines: Find more info and contact details here on the Portal. 
    • Wi-fi for guests and suppliers: Contact IT-services via email on servicedesk@hhs.se to obtain log-in credentials. 
    • Photographing or recording the event: To find a suitable photographer, please see the supplier list on the Portal. 
    • Livestreaming: SSE Executive Education have a number of studios that are suitable for self-recording and webinars of any form. 
    • GDPR: All collection of data from guests must be in line with GDPR. 
  • Catering: 

    • Deciding on catering supplier: Base your decision on the the target audience, occassion, and desired level of food and service. 
    • Provide guests with the opportunity to specify any dietary needs in the invitation (allergies, vegetarian/vegan, etc.).
    • Deliveries: Inform Office Service Center (OSC) about the arrival of your event/catering so they can guide the caterer to the right location.
    • Cleaning: Order cleaning both befora and after the event. The premise/s used must be restored when you leave it.
    • Sustainability: Always have a sustainability in mind. 