Lindqvist, Göran
Director of Research
Research Office
Research Office
Research areas:
- Clusters and innovation systems
- Cluster initiatives
- Cluster policy
- Microeconomic policy
- Ketels, C., Peck, F., Lindqvist, G., Lubicka. B., Nauwelaers, C. & Cassingena Harper, J. (2013) The role of clusters in smart specialisation strategies. Publications Office of the European Union.
- Lindqvist, G., Ketels, C. & Sölvell, Ö. (2013) The Cluster Initiative Greenbook 2.0. Ivory Tower.
- Lindqvist, G. & Sölvell, Ö. (2011) Organising clusters for innovation - Lessons from city regions in Europe. Final report of CLUSNET project.
- Wennberg, K. & Lindqvist, G. (2010) The effect of clusters on the survival and performance of new firms. Small Business Economics, 34(3), 221-241.
- Lindqvist, G. (2009) Disentangling Clusters - Agglomeration and proximity effects. Published doctoral dissertation. Stockholm, EFI.
- Lindqvist, G., Malmberg, A. & Sölvell, Ö. (2008) Swedish Cluster Maps. Stockholm: CSC.
- Sölvell, Ö., Ketels, C. & Lindqvist, G. (2008) Industrial specialization and regional clusters in the ten new EU member states. Competitiveness Review, 18:1/2, 104-130
- Teigland, R. & Lindqvist, G. (2007) Seeing eye-to-eye: How do public and private sector views of a biotech clusters and its cluster initiative differ? European Planning Studies, 15:6, 767-786
- Ketels, C., G. Lindqvist & Ö. Sölvell (2006) Cluster Initiatives in Developing and Transition Economies. CSC
- Lindqvist, G. (2006) Att starta och driva klusterinitiativ. Visanu 2006:1
- Sölvell, Ö., G. Lindqvist & C. Ketels (2006) Zelená kniha klastrových iniciativ. Ivory Tower and Czech Invest, Prag (Översättning av The Cluster Initaitive Greenbook)
- Teigland R., Lindqvist G., Malmberg A., Waxell A. (2004) Investigating the Uppsala Biotech Cluster. Uppsala: CIND
- Sölvell Ö., Lindqvist G., Ketels C. (2003) The Cluster Initiative Greenbook. Stockholm: Ivory Tower
- Lindqvist G., Malmberg A., Sölvell Ö. (2003) Svenska klusterkartor. Uppsala: CIND