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Handelsforskare på DN-debatt: EU spelar ingen roll när den starkes rätt gäller i tredje land

07 May 2019
I repliken "EU spelar ingen roll när den starkes rätt gäller i tredje land" på Dagens Nyheters debattsida svarar de tre Handelsforskarna Lin Lerpold, Örjan Sjöberg och Erik Wikberg på Claes Sandgrens text "Hejda plundringen av europeiska företag".

Webbtv: Klimatkompensation - ett sätt att köpa sig fri eller en planeträddare?

07 May 2019
Klimatkompensation har kommit att bli big business, men är det ett sätt att köpa sig fri eller ett sätt att på riktigt framtidssäkra planeten? Den 10 april anordnade Misum i samarbete med Doconomy en välbesökt after work/after school om klimatkompensation i atriet på skolan.


06 May 2019
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economic (SITE) has the pleasure to invite you to a presentation on Thursday May 16, 11.00-12.30 by Dr. Mykhailo Minakov, Senior Fellow at the Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute.

Mattia Bianchi appointed professor at the Stockholm School of Economics

03 May 2019
Mattia Bianchi has been appointed Professor of Business Administration, especially Innovation Management by the Board of Directors of the Stockholm School of Economics.

Carl-Philip Ahlbom’s article in JM has been nominated to H. Paul Root award

02 May 2019
“In-Store Mobile Phone Use and Customer Shopping Behavior: Evidence from the field” by Carl-Philip Ahlbom et al., (2018) has been selected as one of the finalists in Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award.

Dissertation defense by Tina Sendlhofer

29 April 2019
Tina Sendlhofer from the Department of Marketing and Strategy will defend a PhD dissertation entitled “Organising Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of Employee Involvement at Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises” on Friday May 10, 2019, at 1:15 pm in room Ragnar.

Öppet seminarium vid Score

29 April 2019
Torsdag 9 maj gästas Scores öppna seminarium av Claes Thorén, universitetslektor vid Institutionen för informatik och media, Uppsala universitet. Välkommen!

Jan Ståhlberg receives 2019 SSE Alumni of the Year Award

12 April 2019
Jan Ståhlberg, who graduated from the Stockholm School of Economics in 1985, has been named as the 2019 Alumni of the Year. The award is presented to a holder of a degree from the Stockholm School of Economics who has achieved professional success, contributed to society and supported the School.

Award-winning master thesis in Accounting and Financial Management by Jasmina Fredelind and Matilda Hellman

12 April 2019
The master thesis "The Intention to Buy: An Empirical Study of the Choice of Goodwill Method under IFRS" by Jasmina Fredelind and Matilda Hellman won Best thesis 2018, an award distributed by Svenska Revisionsakademin, SRA.

Associate Professor Markus Kallifatides diskuterar begreppet win-win-vinst

10 April 2019
Varför är företagsekonomiska vinster samhällsekonomiska förluster? Markus Kallifatides, Associate Professor, diskuterar i podcasten Smarta samtal begreppet win-win-vinst, vad en ärligare resultaträkning borde innehålla och hur höga vinster faktiskt hämmar ekonomisk tillväxt