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Fredrik Lange about Launching Products with New Flavours

07 May 2018
Fredrik Lange talks about product development and launching new flavours in Göteborgsposten.

Sara Rosengren in the Jury for ICA's Entrepreneur Award

04 May 2018
Max and Allen Mohammadi, Hippogriff, and Anders Åkerberg, Skedvi Bröd, is the winners of ICA's Entrepreneur Award (ICAs Entreprenörspris). Sara Rosengren was in the jury.

Carl-Philip Ahlbom Co-author of Marknadsföring i Butik

04 May 2018
Carl-Philip Ahlbom is co-author of the second edition of Marknadsföring i Butik.

Nya hus i Stockholm oförenliga med FN:s mål för hållbar utveckling enligt studenter från Handelshögskolan

03 May 2018
"Stockholm måste utformas enligt målen "Good Health and Well-Being" och "Sustainable Cities and Communities", för att inte bara göra Stockholm till en stad där alla har en bostad, utan till en där segregationen bekämpas och hälsan blomstrar", menar studenterna som går kursen Global Challenges på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm.

With a flair for finance

02 May 2018
Behavioral finance is a subject that can be difficult and sensitive. Economic decisions are rarely based solely on rational grounds and Anders Anderson’s research shows that awareness about our own limitations is more important than we previously thought.

Prominent business figures appointed to the SSE board of directors

02 May 2018
During 2018 the SSE Association has appointed two new board members, Johan Forssell and Katarina Martinson.

SSE students encourage high-school students to find solutions to global sustainability

02 May 2018
As part of the course Global Challenges, a group of students visited high-schools in Stockholm during the spring to talk about, among other things, UN’s seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Sara Rosengren on the Retail Apocalypse

30 April 2018
Sara Rosengren comments on the retail apocalypse in Svenska Dagbladet.

SITE research on political behavior in the Arab world

25 April 2018
Why do citizens facing similar conditions – marginalization, exclusion, deteriorating public services, corrupt government, and inequality – rely on different behaviors to express political sentiments?

SITE Development Day 2018 – Gender equality and Economic Development: From Research to Action

25 April 2018
On June 1, SITE with financial support from the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs will be organizing the Development Day 2018 conference at the Stockholm School of Economics. The topic of this year’s conference is gender and development.