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Who's winning the vaccination race? Addressing the COVID-19 vaccination effort in Eastern Europe

01 March 2021
Policy brief: There are great expectations that vaccinations will enable a return to normality from COVID-19. However, there is massive variation in vaccination efforts, vaccine access, and attitudes to vaccination in the population across countries. This policy brief compares the situation in a number of countries in Eastern Europe, the Baltics, the Caucasus region, and Sweden. The brief is based on the insights shared at a recent webinar “Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic: Vaccination efforts in FREE Network countries” organized by the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics.

New article examines entrepreneurship in the space industry

24 February 2021
New research on innovation and entrepreneurship suggests that institutions and policies within the space industry have effectively shrunk the entrepreneurial field there, leaving little room for enterprise.

Vacancy: postdoctoral position in Big Data and Sustainable Supply Chain Management

23 February 2021
The House of Innovation currently invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral position with a focus on conducting world-class research in close collaboration with industry on how the use of big data may support developing sustainable supply chains. The deadline for applications is April 30 2021, with an ideal starting date of September 1, 2021.

The role of the Chair of the Board

23 February 2021
Svenskt näringsliv behöver företag som kan skapa lönsamhet, förnyelse och hållbara affärer i global konkurrens. Detta ställer krav på högre innovationstakt och ständig förnyelse. Med sådana krav ökar styrelsen i strategisk betydelse. I den här rapporten behandlar vi styrelse-ordförandens särställning i styrelsen och dennes roll och funktion för företagets strategiska utveckling.

New article examines how firms should respond to new regulations to improve innovation performance

23 February 2021
New research on innovation suggests that high flexibility and low complexity in a firm’s response to new regulations is the best combination to yield improved innovation performance.

Anna Dreber Almenberg elected as Member of the Academy

16 February 2021
Good news from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien): Anna Dreber Almenberg has been elected as a Member of the Academy’s class for social sciences. Anna is a professor of economics at the Stockholm School of Economics.

Pollution and the COVID-19 pandemic: Air quality in Eastern Europe

16 February 2021
Policy brief: The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to a pre-existing threat to global health: the quality of air in cities around the world. Prolonged exposure to air pollution has been found to increase the mortality rate of COVID-19. This is a particular concern for much of Eastern Europe, where emissions regularly exceed safe levels.

New research: using technology to support financial services regulatory compliance

15 February 2021
New research on innovation suggests that RegTech providers are currently focused mostly on internal processes and associated compliance. The study recommends that RegTech providers begin offering solutions for the strategic management of regulations and not just pure compliance.

Därför dras spelare till börsen

15 February 2021
Oviljan att förlora, och rädslan för att missa en vinstchans. Unga småsparares rusning till börsen har sin förklaring i vår urgamla drivkraft att försöka bli rikare, enligt Richard Wahlund.

Öppet seminarium vid Score: Niels Selling och Guillaume Delalieux

10 February 2021
Torsdag 25 februari kl. 10.00-11.30 håller Niels Selling, Institutet för Framtidsstudier, och Guillaume Delalieux, University of La Rochelle, ett öppet seminarium vid Score. Varmt välkommen att delta via Zoom!