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Överraskande resultat i ny studie av storföretagens ägarstyrning

07 June 2016
Hur fungerar bolagsstyrningen i praktiken i Sverige och i övriga Norden? Sven-Erik Sjöstrand, professor emeritus vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, publicerar imorgon tillsammans med kollegor från Danmark, Finland, Island och Norge en bok om hur bolagsstyrningen faktiskt går till i de nordiska länderna. I boken redovisas resultaten från en helt unik forskningsstudie av ägarstyrningen i 36 storföretag.

Why do scientists move and why should we care?

06 June 2016
New policy brief by Ina Ganguli, Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Affiliated Researcher at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, explains the determinants of mobility of scientists and discusses new evidence from a large dataset of elite life scientists.

Citi new sponsor for Female Economist of the Year scholarship

01 June 2016
Global bank Citi takes over as the main sponsor for the scholarship Female Economist of the Year. Spotify was the previous sponsor. The scholarship is awarded to an outstanding female student at the Stockholm School of Economics.

Two SSE researchers elected new members of the Young Academy of Sweden

31 May 2016
Anna Dreber Almenberg, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Karl Wennberg, Professor at the Department of Management are two of the eight new members presented at The Young Academy of Sweden’s fifth anniversary.

entrepreneurial networking in different national contexts

30 May 2016
In May Sara Vaerlander and Ingela Sölvell went to Nariobi, Kenya, to interview 20 start-up entrepreneurs and visit incubators in different industries.

Fiona Moore visits CASL

30 May 2016
Fiona Moore from Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, UK visits CASL from May, 30th, 2016 onwards.

Starkt stöd för ny Wallenberg-professur i Innovative and Sustainable Business Development

30 May 2016
Näringslivets intresse för Handelshögskolans nya professur är stort. Sedan ursprungsdonationen i januari om 32,5 miljoner kr från två av Wallenbergstiftelserna har flera företag gått in med ytterligare finansiellt stöd.

U.S. Embassy Sweden’s Environmental Policy Competition

27 May 2016
On May 25 the finalists in the U.S. Embassy Sweden’s Environmental Policy Competition, co-hosted by Misum and Stockholm Environment Institute, presented their papers at a seminar at Stockholm School of Economics. The three teams presented their papers to the jury of experts from the US Embassy, SSE and SEI and the US Ambassador to Sweden Azita Raji.


26 May 2016
The Workshop Leadership Diversity and Inclusion, organized by members of the Project of the Project on Leading Cultural Diversity Ethically has now started!

For the third consecutive year a SSE student receives an award from the Swedish Trade Federation

25 May 2016
Fredrika Wiktorin, a student from SSE’s Retail Management Program, has been awarded with the Swedish Trade Federation’s “Ordförandepris” (The Chairman’s Award) of SEK 50.000 for successful study results, great dedication and a genuine interest in the trade and commerce sector