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Call for papers | The playing field in academia: Why are women still underrepresented?

17 March 2023
The Forum for Research on Gender Economics (FROGEE) together with the Centre for Economic Analysis (CenEA) and the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) invites academic papers to a conference held in Warsaw, entitled: “The playing field in academia: Why are women still underrepresented?”

Lars Strannegård’s appointment as President is extended

17 March 2023
The Board of Directors of the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) has extended Lars Strannegård’s appointment as President until May 31, 2027.

Apply for Engelsberg Research Retreat 2023

16 March 2023
SSE researchers are welcome to spend a few weeks at the beautiful Engelsbergs estate, 2-hour drive from Stockholm. You can bring your family. There is no cost. Apply by March 28th.

Workshop at Bemz: How do we extend product lifespans?

15 March 2023
Bemz, the seller and manufacturer of customized furniture covers for IKEA products, invited RM students for an afternoon workshop focusing on their sustainable business model and how it could be extended to other products.

Lars E.O. Svensson: Central Banking Revolutionary

15 March 2023
The IMF publication Finance & Development profiles former Swedish central banker Lars E.O. Svensson, Affiliated Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics.

Exploring the impact from the Russian gas squeeze on the EU’s greenhouse gas reduction efforts

15 March 2023
Throughout 2022, the reduction in Russian gas imports to the EU and the resilience of European energy markets have been subject of significant public discourse and policy-making. Of particular concern has been the EU’s ability to maintain its environmental goals. In this policy brief, researchers from SITE and the University of Pennsylvania aim to reevaluate the consequences from the loss of Russian gas and the EU’s response to it on greenhouse gas emissions in the region.

A blueprint for the reconstruction of Ukraine

14 March 2023
SSE's podcast Sound Economy is back, after a few months' hiatus. This time with a new host! Listen to Emma Summer Johnsson and Professor Torbjörn Becker delve into the difficult subject of Ukraine and the challenges it faces.

Boozt joins the SSE Corporate Partnership Program

14 March 2023
The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) is excited to welcome Boozt to its Corporate Partnership Program.  

New SSE collaborative innovation project for public sector governance: SustainGov

13 March 2023

First Partner Meeting between Score and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)

13 March 2023
On 10 February the first partner meeting was held at Score, Stockholm University. The purpose of the partnership between Score and SEI is to take the first steps toward a joint basic research project with the aim to compare differently organized collaboration initiatives in the climate field.