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Career Module at Systembolaget

08 May 2024
The second-year students from the Systembolaget Retail Club went on a visit to the Systembolaget headquarters for career talks.

Attract agencies to build on Shopify

08 May 2024
The students in E-Commerce Retail Club met with Shopify, a powerhouse in the world of e-commerce.

ICA’s central e-commerce warehouse in Brunna

08 May 2024
The students in ICA Retail Club visited the central automated e-commerce warehouse in Brunna.

Storytelling at Accenture

08 May 2024
Agneta Björnsjö, Global Research Lead at Accenture SONG, delivered an insightful presentation on the pivotal role of storytelling in effective communication.

New publication | Nonstandard Errors

08 May 2024
A multi-analyst study where over 160 independent research teams in finance tested the same six hypotheses on the same data set, found very large variation in results across the research teams. Anna Dreber Almenberg and Magnus Johannesson, Professors at the Department of Economics at SSE, and co-authors publish a new article in Journal of Finance.

Bokpresentation på Score

08 May 2024
Torsdag 23 maj 2024 kl. 15.00 presenteras boken ”Organized loyalty: a new state ideology for China as a global power” (Palgrave, 2023) av Johan Lagerkvist, professor i Kinas språk och kultur. Efter presentationen, som slutar runt 16.30, bjuder Score på förfriskningar och musik. Varmt välkomna!

Career Module at H&M

07 May 2024
The second-year students from H&M Retail Club met Retail Management alumni for an exclusive peek into what a career at H&M can look like after graduating.

Research Workshop Advancing Management Theory with Sports Data

07 May 2024
From May 6 to May 7, the Center for Sports & Business hosted its third research workshop Advancing Management Theory with Sports Data. The workshop featured Juliane Reinecke, Professor at University of Oxford, with a keynote.

New chapters by Anders Åslund and Torbjörn Becker focus on Ukraine’s and Russia’s connections to the EU

07 May 2024
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) is proud to highlight two significant contributions by Torbjörn Becker, Director of SITE, and Anders Åslund, the founding director of SITE, to the newly released book, "The Borders of the European Union in a Conflictual World".

The future of organizational culture and diversity at Axel Johnson

07 May 2024
Nasim Khosravi, Head of Accelerate at Axel Johnson, gave a theme lecture on the added value of organizations with high employee diversity.