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Center for Asian Studies

The Center for Asian Studies (CAS) is the umbrella structure for research, education and policy in relation to Asia at the Stockholm School of Economics.

With long standing tradition of active engagement in research, education and policy development in East and South East Asia, CAS creates easy access to the competences of the respective country specific knowledge nodes. The European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS) and the Stockholm China Economic Research Institute (SCERI) constitute the main foundation of CAS. During almost a 30-year history these institutes have been at the forefront of social science and business and economics research in their respective geographical domain. The increasingly complex political economy of the world drives a need to understand the importance of East and South East Asia. Over the coming decades, wider Asia will be the leading economic geography of the world. The relationships within the region and in connection to other parts of the global economy will involve issues on trade, foreign direct investment, aid, financial integration and collaboration on health and sustainability. Using the extended established networks of EIJS and SCERI, CAS will be a platform for engagement with East and South East Asia. Complex challenges require multi-disciplinary competences and CAS strives to form these networks with research environments at SSE, in close collaboration with the private industry and policy actors in Sweden and abroad.

For specific information on research, education and policy development projects please see the respective web page of EIJS and SCERI. The Center for Asian Studies is led by the directors of EIJS (Patrik Ström).