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Academic Articles and Books

Banerjee, A., Carlsson-Wall, M., & Nordqvist, M. (2024). Hybrid board governance: Exploring the challenges in implementing social impact measurements. The British Accounting Review, 101359. [Link]

Carlsson-Wall, M., & Demott, K. (2024). The 3P-Model in Global Football: Creating Value by Combining Passion, Profit, and Politics on Multiple Levels. In The Geopolitical Economy of Football (pp. 195-202). Routledge. [Link]

Carlsson-Wall, M., Laurell, C., Lindqvist Parbratt, O., & Ots, M. (2024). Accounting for digital promises: restoring and transforming promissory narratives. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. [Link]

Maine, J. (2024). Municipal corporations in national and disciplinary contexts: A systematic literature review and future research agenda. International Public Management Journal, 1-21. [Link]

Maine, J., Uman, T., & Florin-Samuelsson, E. (2024). Actors constructing accountability in hybrid organisations: The case of a Swedish municipal corporation. The British Accounting Review56(5), 101207. [Link]

Nordlund, I., Catasús, B., & Kaarbøe, K. (2024). Introducing accounting small talk: on genres of accounting talk. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal38(9), 30-54. [Link]

Chua, W.F., Graaf, J., Kraus. K. (2022). Mapping and contesting peer selection in digitalized public sector benchmarking. Financial Accountability & Management. [Link]
Uman, T., Edfors, E., Padoan, S., and Edberg, A-K. (2022) Contribution of an inclusive climate to the work of culturally diverse healthcare teams: A qualitative descriptive design. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research. [Link]

Carlsson-Wall, M., Goretzki, L., Hofstedt, J., Kraus, K. & Nilsson, C-J. (2021). Exploring the implications of cloud-based enterprise resource planning systems for public sector management accountants. Financial Accountability & Management. [Link]

Carlsson-Wall, M., Iredahl, A., Kraus, K., Wiklund, M. (2021). The role of management controls in managing heterogeneous interests during extreme situations: The Swedish migrant crisis in 2015. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 18, 1-25. [Link

Maine, J., Samuelsson, E. F., & Uman, T. (2021). Ambidextrous sustainability, organisational structure and performance in hybrid organisations. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 35(3), 734-769. [Link

Tran, P. (2020). Role duality of management accountants: insights from a public sector organisation. PhD Thesis, Stockholm School of Economics. [Link

Uman, T., Edfors, E., Jakobsson, L. (2020). Cultural Diversity in Nursing Teams: Triggers, Team Process and Contingencies. International Journal of Health Professions. [Link]

Umans, T., Smith, E., Andersson, W., Planken, W. (2020) Top management teams’ shared leadership and ambidexterity: the role of management control systems. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 86(3): 444-462. [Link

Baxter, J., Carlsson-Wall, M., Chua, W.F., Kraus, K. (2019). Accounting for the cost of sports-related violence: A case study of the socio-politics of ‘the’ accounting entity. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 32, 1956-1981. [Link]

Baxter, J., Carlsson-Wall, M., Chua, W.F., Kraus, K. (2019). Accounting and passionate interests – the case of a Swedish football club. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 74, 21-40. [Link]

Carlsson-Wall, M., Kraus, K., Meidell, A., Tran, P. (2019). Managing risk in the public sector – the interaction between vernacular and formal risk management systems. Financial Accountability & Management, 35, 3-19. [Link]

Smith, E., Umans, T., Thomasson, A. (2018) Stages of PPP and principal–agent conflicts: the Swedish water and sewerage sector. Public Performance and Management Review, 41(1): 100-129. [Link

Goretzki, L., Mack, S., Messner, M. & Weber, J. (2018): Exploring the persuasiveness of accounting numbers in the framing of ‘performance’ – a micro-level analysis of performance review meetings. European Accounting Review, 27, 495-525. [Link]

Mack, S. & Goretzki, L. (2017): How management accountants exert influence on managers – A micro-level analysis of management accountants’ influence tactics in budgetary control meetings. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 14, 328-362. [Link

Hagbjer, E., Kraus, K., Lind, J., Sjögren, E (2017). Role attribution in public sector accountability processes: dynamic and situation-specific accountor and constituent roles. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 14, 367-389. [Link

Carlsson-Wall, M., Kraus, K., Messner, M (2016). Performance measurement systems and the enactment of different institutional logics: Insights from a football organization. Management Accounting Research, 32, 45-61. [Link

Karlberg, G. (2016). Styrning av outsourcad offentlig service: en balansakt mellan fasthet och flexibilitet. Lic thesis, Stockholm School of Economics. [Link]

Carlsson-Wall, M., Kraus, K., Lund, M., & Sjögren, E (2016). Accounting talk through metaphorical representations – change agents and organisational change in home-based elderly care”, European Accounting Review, 25, 215-243. [Link

Smith, E., Umans, T. (2015). Organizational ambidexterity at the local government level:  the effects of managerial focus. Public Management Review, 17(6): 812-833. [Link]

Hagbjer, E. (2014). Navigating a network of competing demands: accountability as issue formulation and role attribution across organisational boundaries. Ph D Thesis, Stockholm School of Economics. [Link

Kraus, K (2012). Heterogenous accountingisation – accounting and inter-organisational cooperation in home care services, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 25, 1080-1112. [Link]

Carlsson-Wall, M., Kraus, K., & Lind, J (2011). The interdependencies of intra- and inter-organisational controls and work practices – the case of domestic care of the elderly, Management Accounting Research, 22, 313-329. [Link]

Kraus, K. & Lindholm C (2010). Accounting in inter-organisational relationships within the public sector, in Accounting in networks, eds. Håkansson, H., Kraus, K. & Lind, J. Routledge. [Link

Kraus, K. & Lind, J (2008). Styrningens gränsskapande egenskaper och dess effekter på verksamheten i interorganisatoriska relationer – ett nedslag i äldrevården, in Redovisning i fokus, eds. Jennergren P. Lind, J. Schuster, W. Skogsvik, K. Sockholm: EFI. [Link

Kraus, K., (2007), Sven, inter-organisational relationships and control – a case study of domestic care of the elderly in Stockholm. Ph D Thesis, Stockholm School of Economics. [Link]