The CGMS seminar series offers presentations and discussions of such multidisciplinary research that address the corporate governance field. The series particularly focus efforts rooted in Management Studies where there is a simultaneous use of perspectives from related disciplines (e.g., Finance, Law, and Political Science).
The objective of the seminar series is to provide a collegial forum, where researchers provide elaborated and constructive feedback to presenters. The main content of the series will be current research conducted by colleagues internal and external to the center (sometimes manuscripts or working papers, sometimes new publications).
The seminar series has the ambition to critically and constructively study, describe and analyze the emergence and development of corporate/organizational practices. In addition to its strong academic focus, the series aim to address topics of significant interest to the actors and organizations practically involved in the field, as well as action consequences for governance settings nationally as well as globally.
The seminars take place on Tuesdays at 12.15 to 14.00, at Stockholm School of Economics, Saltmätargatan 13 (sixth floor, room "Sven-Erik"). As a participant in the series, you are most welcome to make suggestions regarding what topics, scholars, and research should be addressed at these events. Participants may sign up and receive further materials by