Journal Articles
Sarah Philipson Isaac (2025): “The expanding carceral geography of Sweden and counter-politics of care”, South Atlantic Quarterly 124 (1): 214–221. DOI 10.1215/00382876-11557881.
Fredrik W. Andersson, Selcan Mutgan, Axel Norgren and Karl Wennberg (2025): “Seeking opportunity or socio-economic status? Housing and school choice in Sweden”, Urban Studies 62 (2): 367–386. DOI 10.1177/00420980241257148.
Sarah Philipson Isaac (2025): “Unpacking state production of temporal dispossession: the intersections of labour, asylum and informalization”, Critical Sociology 51 (1): 87–103.
Mohammad Sepahvand, Roujman Shahbazian and Ranjula Bali Swain (2024): “Does revolution change risk attitudes? Evidence from Burkina Faso”, Journal of International Development 36 (8): 3010–3024. DOI 10.1002/jid.3934.
Maryna Henrysson, Ranjula Bali Swain, Ashok Swain and Francesco Fuso Nerini (2024): "Sustainable Development Goals and wellbeing for resilient societies: shocks and recovery", Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11: art. 1513.
Lei Huang, Ranjula Bali Swain, Erik Jeppesen, Hai Cheng, Panmao Zhai, Baojing Gu, Damià Barceló, Jianhua Lu, Ke Wei, Lei Luo, Fang Wang, Haijun Wang, Jiangyuan Zeng and Huadong Guo (2024): “Harnessing science, technology, and innovation to drive synergy between Climate Goals and the SDGs", The Innovation 5 (6), art. 100693. DOI 10.1016/j.xinn.2024.100693.
Maja Schlüter, Tilman Hertz, María Mancilla García, Thomas Banitz, Volker Grimm, Lars-Göran Johansson, Emilie Lindkvist, Rodrigo Martínez-Peña, Sonja Radosavljevic, Karl Wennberg and Petri Ylikoski (2024): “Navigating causal reasoning in sustainability science”, Ambio 53 (11): 1618–1631. DOI 10.1007/s13280-024-02047-y.
Niloufar Salehi, Saman Amir, Malvina Roci, Sayyed Shoaib-ul-Hasan, Farazee M.A. Asif, Aleš Mihelič, Susanne Sweet and Amir Rashid (2024): “Towards circular manufacturing systems implementation: An integrated analysis framework for circular supply chains”, Sustainable Production and Consumption 51: 169–198. DOI 10.1016/j.spc.2024.09.008.
Ashim Kumar Kar and Ranjula Bali Swain (2024): “Does financial inclusion improve energy accessibility in Sub-Saharan Africa?”, Applied Economics 56 (49): 5789–5807. DOI 10.1080/00036846.2023.2270227.
Vivek Kumar Sundriyal, Moren Lévesque, Karl Wennberg and Axel Norgren (2024): “Dynamics of founding team diversity and venture outcomes: a simulation approach”, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 18 (3): 502–552. DOI 10.1002/sej.1510.
Lei Luo, Junze Zhang, Haijun Wang, Min Chen, Qutu Jiang, Wenyu Yang, Fang Wang, Jin Zhang, Ranjula Bali Swain, Michael E. Meadows, Prajal Pradhan, Huijuan Xiao, Min Cao, Jian Lin, Yanchuang Zhao, Yuhan Zheng, Fang Chen, Wei Zhao, Lei Huang, Jiangyuan Zeng, Erik Jeppesen, René Vázquez-Jiménez, Heran Zheng, Mingming Jia, Li Zhang, Dongmei Yan, Yu Chen, Dong Liang, Jie Liu, Zhicheng Chen, Husi Letu, Jie Shao, Rosa Lasaponara, Xinyuan Wang, Zhenci Xu, Jianguo Liu, Bojie Fu and Huadong Guo (2024): “Innovations in science, technology, engineering, and policy (iSTEP) for addressing environmental issues towards sustainable development”, Innovation Geoscience 2 (3): art. 100087. DOI 0.59717/j.xinn-geo.2024.100087.
Ashim Kumar Kar (2024): “Investigating the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis for CO2 emissions in Nordic countries”, International Journal of Environmental Studies 81 (4): 1637–1652. DOI 10.1080/00207233.2023.2263250.
Xiang Lin and Ranjula Bali Swain (2024): “Performance of negatively screened sustainable investments during crisis”, International Review of Economics and Finance 93 (Part A): 1226–1247. DOI 10.1016/j.iref.2024.04.001.
Enrico Fontana, Muhammad Atif and Huma Sarwar (2024): “Pressures for sub-supplier sustainability compliance: the importance of target markets in textile and garment supply chains”, Business Strategy and the Environment 33 (5): 3794–3810. DOI 10.1002/bse.3680.
Ranjula Bali Swain and Aimable Nsabimana (2024): “Financial inclusion and food security among rural households in Rwanda”, European Review of Agricultural Economics 51 (2): 506–532. DOI 10.1093/erae/jbae007.
Enrico Fontana and Cedric Dawkins (2024): “Contesting corporate responsibility in the Bangladesh garment industry: the local factory owner perspective”, Human Relations 77 (7): 1003–1036. DOI 10.1177/00187267231218430.
Stefan Arora-Jonsson, Ema Kristina Demir, Axel Norgren and Karl Wennberg (2024): “Beyond the silver bullet: unveiling multiple pathways to school turnaround”, School Effectiveness and School Improvement 35 (2): 214–249. DOI 10.1080/09243453.2024.2353626.
Aliaksei Kazlou, Lin Lerpold and Örjan Sjöberg (2024): “Trade unions, refugees and immigrant labour: has the attitude changed? The stance of Swedish blue-collar trade unions as evidenced by sentiment analysis”, Industrial Relations Journal 55 (3): 222–239. DOI 10.1111/irj.12424.
Xiang Lin and Ranjula Bali Swain (2024): “Performance of negatively screened sustainable investments during crisis”, International Review of Economics and Finance 93A: 1226–1247. DOI 10.1016/j.iref.2024.04.001.
Ashim Kumar Kar (2024): “Pollution and income: looking into the environmental Kuznets curve in South Asian countries”, Economics Bulletin 43 (4): 1680–1697.
Per M. Stromberg and Ranjula Bali Swain (2024): “Citizen monitoring in environmental disclosure: an economics perspective”, Journal of Environmental Management 356: art. 120567. DOI 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.120567.
Maral Batbaatar, Johan P. Larsson, Christian Sandström and Karl Wennberg (2024): “How fares the entrepreneurial state? Empirical evidence of mission-led innovation projects around the globe”, Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship 19 (8): 664–772. DOI 10.1561/0300000114.
Zhiyan Wu, Lucia Naldi, Karl Wennberg and Timur Uman (2024): “Learning from their daughters: family exposure to gender disparity and female representation in male-led ventures”, Management Science 72 (2): 671–693. DOI 10.1287/mnsc.2023.4727.
Karin Hellerstedt, Timur Uman and Karl Wennberg (2024): “Fooled by diversity? When diversity initiatives exacerbate rather than mitigate inequality”, Academy of Management Perspectives 38 (1): 23–42. DOI 10.5465/amp.2021-0206.
Emanuel Wittberg, Gissur Ó. Erlingsson and Karl Wennberg (2024): “Does local government corruption inhibit entrepreneurship?”, Small Business Economics 62 (2): 775–806. DOI 10.1007/s11187-023-00783-1.
Ranjula Bali Swain, Xiang Lin and Fan Yang Wallentin (2024): “COVID-19 pandemic waves: identification and interpretation of global data”, Heliyon 10 (3): art. e25090. DOI 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e25090.
Christopher Rosenqvist and Örjan Sjöberg (2024): “The difference that the institutional environment makes: leveraging coordination to balance platform dominance, mutuality and autonomy in geographically fragmented hospitality labour markets”, Digital Geography and Society 6: art. 100078. DOI 10.1016/j.diggeo.2023.100078.
Enrico Fontana and Nick Pisalyaput (2023): “Understanding the importance of farmer–NGO collaboration for sustainability and business strategy: evidence from the coffee supply chain”, Business Strategy and the Environment 32 (6): 2715–2735. DOI 10.1002/bse.3266.
Saman Amir, Niloufar Salehi, Malvina Roci, Susanne Sweet and Amir Rashid (2023): “Towards circular economy: a guiding framework for circular supply chain implementation”, Business Strategy and the Environment 32 (6): 2684–2701. DOI 10.1002/bse.3264.
Annmarie Ryan, Ingrid Stigzelius, Olfa Mejri, Gill Hopkinson and Fairouz Hussien (2023): “Agencing the digitalised marketer: exploring the boundary workers at the cross-road of (e)merging markets”, Marketing Theory 23 (3): 463–487. DOI 10.1177/14705931231153194.
Enrico Fontana, Sanne Frandsen and Mette Morsing (2023): “Saving the world? How CSR practitioners live their calling by constructing different types of purpose in three occupational stages”, Journal of Business Ethics 185 (4): 741–766. DOI 10.1007/s10551-023-05343-x.
Bat Batjargal, Sarah Jack, Tomasz Mickiewicz, Erik Stam, Wouter Stam and Karl Wennberg (2023): “Crises, Covid-19, and entrepreneurship”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 47 (3): 651–661. DOI 10.1177/10422587221145676.
Amin Karimu and Ranjula Bali Swain (2023): “Implication of electricity taxes and levies on sustainable development goals in the European Union”, Energy Policy 177: art. 113553. DOI 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113553.
Aliaksei Kazlou and Susanne Urban (2023): “Swedish migration policy liberalization and new immigrant entrepreneurs”, International Migration 61 (2): 87–106. DOI 10.1111/imig.12989.
Enrico Fontana, Muhammad Atif and Mark Heuer (2023): “Implementing social sustainability through market pressures: an inter-organizational network analysis in the Pakistani apparel supply chain”, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 53 (1): 156–180. DOI 10.1108/IJPDLM-07-2021-0265.
Tommy Borglund, Magnus Frostenson, Sven Helin and Katarina Arbin (2023): “The professional logic of sustainability managers: finding underlying dynamics”, Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1): 59–76. DOI 10.1007/s10551-021-05000-1.
Erik Liss, Martin Korpi and Karl Wennberg (2023): “Absolute income mobility and the effect of parent generation inequality: an extended decomposition approach”, European Economic Review 152: art. 104359. DOI 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2022.104359.
Aliaksei Kazlou and Karl Wennberg (2023): “How kinship resources alleviate structural disadvantage: self-employment duration among refugees and labor migrants”, Journal of Enterprising Communities 17 (1): 16–45. DOI 10.1108/JEC-03-2020-0025.
Lars-Gunnar Mattsson and Sven-Olof Juncker (2023): “Market shaping for a fossil-free economy: institutional work to change market practices of public procurement”, Industrial Marketing Management 108: 23–34. DOI 10.1016/j.indmarman.2022.10.015.
Liisa Välikangas, Marijane Luistro‑Jonsson and Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa (2022): “Health crisis and the EU’s HERA: amplifying partial organizing with resourcing for stability, agility, and evolvability”, Journal of Organization Design 11 (4): 169–187. DOI 10.1007/s41469-022-00125-7.
Ranjula Bali Swain, Amin Karimu and Erik Gråd (2022): “Sustainable development, renewable energy transformation and employment impact in the EU”, International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 29 (8): 695–708. DOI 10.1080/13504509.2022.2078902.
Anna Brattström and Karl Wennberg (2022): “The entrepreneurial story and its implications for research”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 46 (6): 1443–1468. DOI 10.1177/10422587211053802.
Annelot Wismans, Peter van der Zwan, Karl Wennberg, Ingmar Franken, Jinia Mukerjee, Rui Baptista, Jorge Barrientos Marín, Andrew Burke, Marcus Dejardin, Frank Janssen, Srebrenka Letina, José María Millán, Enrico Santarelli, Olivier Torrès and Roy Thurik (2022): “Face mask use during the COVID-19 pandemic: how risk perception, experience with COVID-19, and attitude towards government interact with country-wide policy stringency”, BMC Public Health 22: art. 1622. DOI 10.1186/s12889-022-13632-9.
Malvina Roci, Niloufar Salehi, Saman Amir, Farazee M.A. Asif, Sayyed Shoaib-ul-Hasan and Amir Rashid (2022): “Multi-method simulation modelling of circular manufacturing systems for enhanced decision-making”, MethodsX 9: art. 101709. DOI 10.1016/j.mex.2022.101709.
Tina Sendlhofer and Daniel Tolstoy (2022): “How employees shape CSR transparency: a sensemaking perspective”, Journal of Business Research 150: 268–278. DOI 10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.05.074.
Ashim Kumar Kar (2022): “Environmental Kuznets curve for CO2 emissions in Baltic countries: an empirical investigation”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29 (31): 47189–47208. DOI 10.1007/s11356-022-19103-3.
Olga Yttermyr and Karl Wennberg (2022): “Psychological ownership development in new venture teams”, International Small Business Journal 40 (3): 307–335. DOI 10.1177/02662426211023380.
Enrico Fontana and Prapassorn Siriwichai (2022): “Understanding transgender persons' careers to advance sustainable development: the case of Trans for Career Thailand”, Sustainable Development 30 (6): 1573–1590. DOI 10.1002/sd.2329.
James J. Chrisman, Donald O. Neubaum, Friederike Welter and Karl Wennberg (2022): “Knowledge accumulation in entrepreneurship”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 46 (3): 479–496. DOI 10.1177/10422587221093321.
Yuliya Ponomareva, Timur Uman, Virginia Bodolica and Karl Wennberg (2022): “Cultural diversity in top management teams: review and agenda for future research”, Journal of World Business 57 (4): art. 101328. DOI 10.1016/j.jwb.2022.101328.
Malvina Roci, Niloufar Salehi, Saman Amir, Sayyed Shoaib-ul-Hasan, Farazee M.A. Asif, Aleš Mihelič and Amir Rashid (2022): “Towards circular manufacturing systems implementation: a complex adaptive systems perspective using modelling and simulation as a quantitative analysis tool”, Sustainable Production and Consumption 31: 97–112. DOI 10.1016/j.spc.2022.01.033. DOI 10.1016/j.mex.2022.101709.
Thomas Banitz, Tilman Hertz, Lars-Göran Johansson, Emilie Lindkvist, Rodrigo Martínez-Peña, Sonja Radosavljevic, Maja Schlüter, Karl Wennberg, Petri Ylikoski and Volker Grimm (2022): “Visualization of causation in social-ecological systems”, Ecology and Society 27 (1): art. 31. DOI 10.5751/ES-13030-270131.
Enrico Fontana, Hyemi Shin, Chikako Oka and Jos Gamble (2022): “Tensions in the strategic integration of corporate sustainability through global standards: evidence from Japan and South Korea”, Business Strategy and the Environment 31 (3): 875–891. DOI 10.1002/bse.2923.
Alex Coad, Martin Andersson, Magnus Henrekson, Sarah Jack, Mikael Stenkula, Karin Thorburn, Karl Wennberg and Ivo Zander (2022): “John Haltiwanger: recipient of the 2020 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research”, Small Business Economics 58 (1): 15–25. DOI 10.1007/s11187-021-00541-1.
Annelot Wismans, Srebrenka Letina, Karl Wennberg, Roy Thurik, Rui Baptista, Andrew Burke, Marcus Dejardin, Frank Janssen, Enrico Santarelli, Olivier Torres and Ingmar Franken (2021): “The role of impulsivity and delay discounting in student compliance with COVID-19 protective measures”, Personality and Individual Differences 179: art. 110925. DOI 10.1016/j.paid.2021.110925.
Steven W. Bradley, Phillip H. Kim, Peter G. Klein, Jeffery S. McMullen and Karl Wennberg (2021): “Policy for innovative entrepreneurship: institutions, interventions, and societal challenges”, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 15 (2): 167–184. DOI 10.1002/sej.1395.
Elias Collin, Christian Sandström and Karl Wennberg (2021): “Utvärderingar av näringspolitik – en intressekonflikt mellan myndigheter, konsult-företag, politik och skattebetalare?”, Ekonomisk debatt 49 (4): 30–41.
Anna Dubois, Lars-Erik Gadde and Lars-Gunnar Mattsson (2021): “Purchasing behaviour and supplier base evolution – a longitudinal case study”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 36 (5): 689–705. DOI 10.1108/JBIM-11-2018-0328.
Beatrice Crona, Kent Eriksson, Lin Lerpold, Malin Malmström, Mark Sanctuary and Joakim Sandberg (2021): “Transforming toward sustainability through financial markets: four challenges and how to turn them into opportunities”, One Earth 4 (5): 599–601. DOI 10.1016/j.oneear.2021.04.021.
Sara Melén Hånell, Emilia Rovira Nordman and Lars-Gunnar Mattsson (2021): “The nature of individual experiential knowledge in internationalizing SMEs: pitfalls of superstitious learning and the need for wisdom”, International Marketing Review 38 (2): 249–275. DOI 10.1108/IMR-02-2019-0086.
Nils Karlson, Christian Sandström and Karl Wennberg (2021): “Bureaucrats or markets in innovation policy? A critique of the entrepreneurial state”, Review of Austrian Economics 34 (1): 81–95. DOI 10.1007/s11138-020-00508-7.
Ranjula Bali Swain and Shyam Ranganathan (2021): “Modeling interlinkages between sustainable development goals using network analysis”, World Development 138: art. 105136. DOI 10.1016/j.worlddev.2020.105136.
Max Jerneck (2020): “When soft budget constraints promote innovation: Kornai meets Schumpeter in Japan”, Industrial and Corporate Change 29 (6): 1415–1430. DOI 10.1093/icc/dtaa014.
Aimable Nsabimana, Ranjula Bali Swain, Yves Surry and Jean Chrysostome Ngabitsinze (2020): “Income and food Engel curves in Rwanda: a household microdata analysis”, Agricultural and Food Economics 8: art. 11. DOI 10.1186/s40100-020-00154-4.
Tina Sendlhofer (2020): “Decoupling from moral responsibility for CSR: employees’ visionary procrastination at a SME”, Journal of Business Ethics 167 (2): 361–378. DOI 10.1007/s10551-019-04174-z.
Ranjula Bali Swain, Supriya Garikipati and Fan Yang Wallentin (2020): “Does foreign aid improve gender performance in recipient countries?”, Journal of International Development 32 (7): 1171‒1193. DOI 10.1002/jid.3500.
Abiel Sebhatu, Karl Wennberg, Stefan Arora-Jonsson and Staffan I. Lindberg (2020): “Explaining the homogeneous diffusion of COVID-19 nonpharmaceutical interventions across heterogeneous countries”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (35): 21201‒21208. DOI 10.1073/pnas.2010625117.
Ranjula Bali Swain and Fan Yang-Wallentin (2020): “Achieving sustainable development goals: predicaments and strategies”, International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 27 (2): 96‒106. DOI 10.1080/13504509.2019.1692316.
Ranjula Bali Swain, Uma S. Kambhampati and Amin Karimu (2020): “Regulation, governance and the role of the informal sector in influencing pollution?”, Ecological Economics 173: art. 106649. DOI 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106649.
Karl Wennberg and Brian S. Anderson (2020): “Editorial: Enhancing the exploration and communication of quantitative entrepreneurship research”, Journal of Business Venturing 35 (3): art. 105938. DOI 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2019.05.002.
Michael Gentile and Örjan Sjöberg (2020): “Neoliberalism(s) as a guide to post-Wall urban change: explanation out of the blue?”, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 111 (2): 149‒162. DOI 10.1111/tesg.12374.
Ranjula Bali Swain, Björn R.H. Blomqvist and David Sumpter (2020): “Last night in Sweden? Using Gaussian processes to study changing demographics at the level of municipalities”, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 28 (1): 46‒75. DOI 10.1163/15718174-02801003.
Nils Westling, Per M. Strömberg and Ranjula Bali Swain (2020): “Can upstream ecosystems ensure safe drinking water – insights from Sweden”, Ecological Economics 169: art. 106552. DOI 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.106552.
Kun Fu, Karl Wennberg and Björn Falkenhall (2020): “Productive entrepreneurship and the effectiveness of insolvency legislation: a cross-country study”, Small Business Economics 54 (2): 383‒404. DOI 10.1007/s11187-018-0040-6.
Magnus Klofsten, Erik Lundmark, Karl Wennberg and Nata Bank (2020): “Incubator specialization and size: divergent paths towards operational scale”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 151: art. 119821. DOI 10.1016/j.techfore.2019.119821.
Niklas Elert, Karolin Sjöö and Karl Wennberg (2020): “When less is more: why limited entrepreneurship education may result in better entrepreneurial outcomes”, International Review of Entrepreneurship 18 (1): 1‒32.
Ranjula Bali Swain and Amin Karimu (2020): “Renewable energy and sustainable development goals in the EU”, World Development 125: art. 104693. DOI 10.1016/j.worlddev.2019.104693.