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Sara Rosengren in DN Debatt on Diversity in Swedish advertising

07 June 2019

Jonas Colliander comments on influencers as future potentates and today’s modest review of influencers

06 June 2019

erik wikberg interviewed in vlt

05 June 2019
Erik Wikberg is interviewed in the Swedish newspaper VLT about his research on the digitalization of the book industry, the SSE Literary Agenda and why Senior Managers should read more books than quarterly reports.

Carl-Philip Ahlbom’s article in JM has been nominated to H. Paul Root award

02 May 2019
“In-Store Mobile Phone Use and Customer Shopping Behavior: Evidence from the field” by Carl-Philip Ahlbom et al., (2018) has been selected as one of the finalists in Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award.

Carl-Philip Ahlbom's dissertation in media

21 March 2019
On March 21 Carl-Philip Ahlbom defended his dissertation "How technology is evolving in-store shopping behaviors". The findings from the dissertation have been reported in the following media.

Svetlana Kolesova in Transportochlogistik.se

21 March 2019
Svetlana Kolesova comments on the delivery of online grocery purchases and young adults’ expectations of flexible logistic solutions, at transportochlogistik.se

Svetlana Kolesova in Fri Köpenskap

08 March 2019
Svetlana Kolesova is interviewed in Fri Köpenskap about her research in the grocery retailing sector.

Jonas Colliander comments on authorities use of influencers

06 March 2019
Jonas Colliander comments on authorities use of influencers as a marketing channel in svt Nyheter.

Angelica Blom's dissertation in media

22 February 2019
On February 22 Angelica Blom defended her dissertation "One size fits all? Understanding shopper responses towards integration activities in omnichannel retailing". The findings from the dissertation have been reported in the following media.

Erik Wikberg comments on how digitalization is changing the book industry and the role of the physical bookstore

19 February 2019
Erik Wikberg comments on how digitalization is changing the book industry and the role of the physical bookstore, in both both DN, Market, Expressen, svt.se, sverigesradio.se, and TV4.