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Eli F. Heckscher Lectures

The Heckscher Lectures are held each year to honour the memory of Eli F. Heckscher's (1879-1952). Among other things, Heckscher was the founder of economic history in Sweden. The lectures bring world known scholars to SSE, such as Geoffrey Jones and Nobel Laureate Olivier E. Williamson. Since 2009, the lectures are organized in cooperation with the Swedish research institute Ratio.

The tradition started in 2003 when a conference was organized in memory of Heckscher. The papers were published in a conference volume: Findlay, Henriksson, Lindgren and Lundahl (eds, 2006), Eli Heckscher, International Trade and Economic History. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. 


Professor Richard Langlois,
University of Connecticut

”The American Corporation and the Twentieth Century”



Professor Peter Grüner
University of Mannheim

”European integration: What went wrong and how to fix it”



Professor Ray Stokes,
University of Glasgow

”Business, Industrial, or Economic History? Finding Common Ground”



David Autor, Ford Professor of Economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT.

“On the Persistence of the China Shock “



Professor Mary O'Sullivan 
Université de Genève 

"The Intellgent Woman's Guide to Capitalism"

Date: 26 September 2019 
Room Aulan, Sveavägen 65



Professor Andrei Shleifer 
Harvard University

"A Crisis of Beliefs - Investor Psychology and Financial Fragility"



Professor Barry M. Weingast
Stanford University

"Reconstructing Adam Smith's Politics"



Professor Paul Romer
NYU, Stern School of Business

"Short-Run Shocks; Long-Run Pessimism"



Professor Naomi R. Lamoreaux
Yale University

"Corporations and Democracy: Beyond Cross-Country Regressions"



Professor Kenneth S Rogoff
Harvard University

"Lessons from Financial Crisis"



Professor James A. Robinson
Harvard University

"Why Nations Fail"



Professor Randall Morck
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Kanada

"Recycling Corporations: A Matter of Life and Death"



Professor Joel Mokyr
Northwestern University

"Institutions, Technology and Culture: the Origins of
Modern Economic Growth Reconsidered"



Professor Deirdre McCloskey
University of Illinois at Chicago

"Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics Can´t Explain
the Modern World"



Professor Mark Casson  
University of Reading

"Entrepreneurship: Theory, Institutions and History." 



Professor Youssef Cassis  
University of Geneva

"Entrepreneurship and Big Business. The European
Experience and the American Challange."



Professor Jaime Reis
University of Lisboa

"Financial Systems in the Periphery: A Nineteenth
Century Comparison of Scandinavia and Southern Europe"



Professor Geoffrey G. Jones
Harvard Business School  

"Global Firms and Global Wealth since 1850." 



Professor Oliver E. Williamson
University of California Berkeley

"Business History: The Lens of
Contract/Governance Perspective"



Professor Stanley Engerman
University of Rochester 

"Blockades, Sanctions, and Economic Warfare."
