Managing diversity through transgender inclusion in the Bangladeshi apparel industry
23 June 2020
A new article from Enrico Fontana, Affiliated Researcher at Misum and lecturer at Sasin School of Management, Chulalongkorn University (Thailand) investigates the main drivers of transgender discrimination in the Bangladeshi apparel industry. Fontana outlines a typology of collaborative practices to shift mindsets and increase transgender socio-economic inclusivity.
Misum economic lectures on utbildningsradion
23 June 2020
In line with the accelerated digitalisation, SSE has collaborated with the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company “Utbildningsradion” to disseminate current research to a variety of economic topics. On board from Misum: Abhijeet Singh and Maria Perrotta Berlin, talking about how to solve the “learning crisis” of developing countries by relatively simple measures (#SDG4 #SDG10), and the unintended consequences of the ‘Nordic model’ of prostitution legislation (#SDG5 #SDG16).
To Lock or not to Lock? An Evaluation of Sweden Non-intervention policy during COVID-19
23 June 2020
The Italian Society of Economists (SIE) invites to a webinar with Eleni Lioliou (Queen Mary University of London School of Business and Management) and Giovanni Cerulli (IRCrES-CNR - Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth) on Thursday, June 25 at 5 PM CEST.
Maria Booth: House of Innovation’s latest PhD graduate
22 June 2020
House of Innovation is proud to present its latest PhD graduate: Maria Booth. She had her thesis defense last week, and we took the opportunity to ask her a few questions about her time at SSE, her research and her plans the future.
Congratulations, Maria!
Waning Immunity and the Second Wave: Some Projections for SARS-CoV-2
22 June 2020
Network member Flavio Toxvaerd with coauthors consider, in a new working paper, the optimal social distancing policy in an SEIRS model of the COVID-19 epidemic in which immunity wanes over time.
Nowcasting COVID-19 statistics
22 June 2020
Statistics are often registered with delay and Swedish COVID-19 deaths are reported with up to 14 days of lag. Death statistics therefore always appear to be on a positive trend. In a new paper, SSE-CERN member Adam Altmejd together with Joacim Rocklöv, and Jonas Wallin propose a statistical method to estimate the actual number of deaths.
Predicted fatality rates for Covid-19 around the world
18 June 2020
Early reports suggest the fatality rate from COVID-19 varies greatly across countries, but non-random testing and incomplete vital registration systems render it impossible to directly estimate the infection fatality rate (IFR) in many low- and middle-income countries. A new study tries to fill this gap.
Ansvarsfullt Ledarskap
18 June 2020
Ansvarsfullt ledarskap: vägen till hållbara affärer.
Ingalill Holmberg och Pernilla Petrelius Karlberg
SSE in top 20 in the Financial Times Masters in Finance ranking
17 June 2020
Stockholm School of Economics ranks number 19 in the Financial Times Masters in Finance ranking. SSE continues as the top school in the Nordic region and currently ranks 15 in Europe.
SAGE Handbook of CCM
17 June 2020
The Sage Handbook of Contemporary Cross-Cultural Management. Edited by B. Szkudlarek, L. Romani, D. Caprar and J. Osland