Career Module with ICA
15 April 2020
ICA ́s Retail Club had the career module with the second-year students. It was run digitally.
The shock effects of the pandemic and the authoritarian threat
15 April 2020
Six months after the corona virus first appeared, the world economy is entering a deep economic crisis that could result in political power shifts at global level. The absence of leadership in the US and the EU gives China and Russia increased confidence and leeway, according to Torbjörn Becker and co-author Martin Kragh in their latest chronicle published at Utrikesmagasinet.
HOI research | Why are mobile phones so important for Syrian refugees in Lebanon?
15 April 2020
Syrian refugees living in Lebanon today are facing limited freedom of movement, limited access to services, and constrained labor rights. For these people, mobile phones serve as essential tools for rebuilding social networks shattered by involuntary displacement.
HOI research | The decentered translation of management ideas
15 April 2020
New research on innovation explores how management ideas change workplace practices while workplace practices change management ideas.
New research reveals how Swedes react to government guidelines
15 April 2020
How have Swedes changed their behavior during the COVID-19 crisis? A new research project from the Stockholm School of Economics offers insights into mobility and hoarding over the past – and coming – weeks.
Sara rosengren in svd näringsliv
14 April 2020
In order to flatten the curve on COVID-19, voluntary measures called for by Swedish authorities had one week’s delay according to grocery purchases and mobility data.
Jonas Colliander in Dagens Nyheter
14 April 2020
As the influencer world more or less has come to an pause due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the industry could still have a huge impact on followers according Jonas Colliander (CFR).
New research reveals how Swedes react to government guidelines
14 April 2020
How have Swedes changed their behavior during the COVID-19 crisis? A new research project from the Stockholm School of Economics offers insights into mobility and hoarding over the past – and coming – weeks.
Covid-19 coping stratgies
10 April 2020
A group of Swedish economists belonging to the SSE-CERN network published a short white paper with policy ideas for coping with the Covid-19 pandemic on March 24.
Sustainable Fashion at Accenture
08 April 2020
Accenture’s Retail Club had a workshop about sustainability in the fashion industry.