Öppet seminarium vid Score: Francis Lee
29 January 2020
Torsdag 6 februari håller Francis Lee, Score Fellow och docent vid Institutionen för idé- och lärdomshistoria, Uppsala universitet ett öppet seminarium. Välkommen!
Misum-forskaren Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall om sociala obligationer i EFN tv
28 January 2020
Handelshögskolans Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall lyfter fram vikten av att inkludera även sociala mål i hållbara investeringar.
Theme Lecture with COOP
28 January 2020
Coop offered a theme lecture to all retail management students about the application of machine learning on business problems.
Förpackningar krymper men inte priset
27 January 2020
Köpte du precis en liter rapsolja, eller 0,9 liter rapsolja? Fick du med dig 200 gram chips från butiken eller 180 gram?Tidningen Råd & Rön har tittat närmare på fenomenet krympflation, vilket innebär att förpackningar minskar i volym men priset på varan förblir intakt.
Career Module with Systembolaget
22 January 2020
The second-year students in Systembolaget's Retail club had a Career Training with Rein Nyman from Systembolagets HR department.
Workshop with Accenture
22 January 2020
Accenture’s Retail Club had a workshop on case solving at Accenture Strategy.
Pamela Campa: No data-based evidence that gender quotas decrease the “quality” of politicians
17 January 2020
How acute is the issue of gender inequality in politics in the world today? And what is the world losing from the under-representation of women in politics? Pamela Campa, Assistant Professor at SITE, explains the issue behind gender inequality in politics in a recent interview by European Dialogue: Expert Group.
Highlights from SITE's Academic Conference 2019
15 January 2020
On December 16-17, 2019, the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics hosted the annual Academic Conference at the Stockholm School of Economics that brought together researchers and scholars in economics and political science from all over Europe and North America contributing to a better understanding of the political economy of Eastern Europe.
From business idea to prototype in sixteen weeks
14 January 2020
Getting a product from idea onto the market can often take years. SSE Business Lab trims it down to about four months with its accelerator program Activate. The newest batch of companies is just about to hatch.
New Misum report on social and sustainability bonds
13 January 2020
The new report on social and sustainability bonds from Misum researcher Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall, called "A Swedish market for sustainability related and socially labelled bonds: Institutional investors as drivers", has already received media attention.