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Associate Professor Markus Kallifatides diskuterar begreppet win-win-vinst

10 April 2019
Varför är företagsekonomiska vinster samhällsekonomiska förluster? Markus Kallifatides, Associate Professor, diskuterar i podcasten Smarta samtal begreppet win-win-vinst, vad en ärligare resultaträkning borde innehålla och hur höga vinster faktiskt hämmar ekonomisk tillväxt

Guest research position as Score Fellow in Public Organization (1-3)

10 April 2019
at the Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research. Closing date: 10 May 2019.

High tech and cellphones in brick-and-mortar stores make shoppers buy more

09 April 2019
Traditional brick-and-mortar stores are becoming increasingly digitalized, with digital displays, scent machines, sound showers, and cellphones frequently used as marketing elements in the store. In his doctoral dissertation “How Technology is Evolving In-Store Shopping Behaviors”, Carl-Philip Ahlbom, a researcher at the Stockholm School of Economics, explores how technologies affect how much shoppers spend.

Parasport Sweden and the Stockholm School of Economics to collaborate as Parasport takes the next step

08 April 2019
The Stockholm School of Economics’ Center for Sports and Business is embarking on a new collaboration with Parasport Sweden to help boost the organization during its journey of change. In the long term, the ambition is for elite parasport athletes to perform at a higher level and for the organization to become more profitable.

Högteknologiska butiker och mobilanvändning får kunder att handla mer

08 April 2019
Dagens fysiska butiksmiljöer blir alltmer digitaliserade, med skärmar, doftmaskiner, ljudduschar och mobiltelefoner. I doktorsavhandlingen How Technology is Evolving In-Store Shopping Behaviors undersöker Carl-Philip Ahlbom, forskare vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, hur olika typer av teknik påverkar hur mycket kunder spenderar i fysiska butiker.

Öppet seminarium vid Score med Alexander Styhre

03 April 2019
Torsdag 25 april gästas Score av Alexander Styhre, professor i Management & Organisation, Göteborgs universitet, som presenterar sin bok The Market. Välkommen!

Ny bok! Upphandlad. Forskarperspektiv på offentlig upphandling inom vård och omsorg

03 April 2019
Offentlig upphandling är ett i debatten dominerande marknadsinstrument för att organisera välfärd och relationer i det svenska samhället. Varje år omfattas närmare 650 miljarder kronor av upphandlingslagarna. Hur påverkar den offentliga upphandlingen viktiga samhälleliga värden som kvalitet, innovation, resultat och utveckling? I boken Upphandlad diskuterar elva forskare svenska och andra länders upphandlingsformer inom vård och omsorg.

Parasport Sweden and the Stockholm School of Economics to collaborate as Parasport takes the next step

02 April 2019
The Stockholm School of Economics’ Center for Sports and Business is embarking on a new collaboration with Parasport Sweden to help boost the organization during its journey of change. In the long term, the ambition is for elite parasport athletes to perform at a higher level and for the organization to become more profitable.

Erik Wetter to United Nations Technical Advisory Group

01 April 2019
Erik Wetter, Assistant Professor at SSE House of Innovation and Misum has been invited to join the Technical Advisory Group of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data ("the Global Partnership"), an initiative based at the United Nations Foundation headquarters in Washington D.C.

Author’s talk at SSE with the President of PEN International Jennifer Clement

28 March 2019
On March 26, the internationally acclaimed author and President of International PEN Jennifer Clement visited Stockholm School of Economics to engage in a conversation with Jesper Bengtsson, Chairman of Swedish PEN. This was the first author’s talk in a series co-arranged by Internationell Författarscen and SSE Literary Agenda.