10 December 2018
On December 9th, Milda Tylaite successfully defended her dissertation: “Essays on the Non-Financial Determinants of Corporate Tax Planning Outcomes”
Magnus Mähring at House of Innovation Co-chairs conference "living with monsters"
09 December 2018
Professor Magnus Mähring at the House of Innovation is chairing with fellow international scholars, the IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference being held at San Francisco State University on 11-12 December, 2018.
Further boost to sustainability education at SSE
07 December 2018
Increasing numbers of students choose SSE because of the school´s sustainability education.
At the same time the expectations from the business community have grown: they seek graduates with a high level of sustainability knowledge.
SSE has appointed the experienced researcher and teacher Svenne Junker as Global Challenges program development director to further improve the education track.
"Global Challenges is a flagship for the school" says Svenne Junker.
Kan man stoppa HIV med en lott? Martina Björkman Nyqvist berättar om sin forskning i Ekonomipodden Kapitalet
06 December 2018
För att hindra spridningen måste man göra något av det svåraste som finns: ändra människor beteende.
SSE climbs in Financial Times European business school ranking
06 December 2018
This year, SSE moved up two places in the FT European business school ranking, from 27 to 25, and remains the leading Nordic school on this list.
Tomas Hjelström the first recipient of the SSE Pedagogical Award
06 December 2018
The SSE Pedagogical Award 2018 was given to Tomas Hjelström, Assistant Professor at the Department of Accounting, for his long-term excellent teaching and for being a pedagogical role model and mentor.
PhD student position for research on the tourist industry and sustainability
06 December 2018
Come work with us! We are looking for a PhD student for research on the tourist industry and it´s contribution to sustainable development through the employment of unemployed immigrants in Sweden. It´s a 4 year PhD student position, and application deadline is February 1, 2019.
Centenary of Latvian Independence and Foreign Policy
06 December 2018
SITE has the pleasure to invite you to a presentation on Wednesday December 12, by Professor Andris Spruds, Director of the Latvian Institute of International Affairs.
Misums Max Jerneck i Sveriges Radios Vetenskapsradion
05 December 2018
Ena hälften av årets Ekonomipris till Nobels minne går till William Nordhaus som tagit in klimatförändringarna i sina ekonomiska modeller. Men hans ekonomiska modeller har både prisats och kritiserats. Lyssna till bland andra Misums Max Jerneck i Sveriges Radios Vetenskapsradions avsnitt "Det kritiserade ekonomipriset", sänt den 5 december 2018.
Vad händer om människor exponeras för fula saker?
05 December 2018
Den nya avhandlingen Marketing with benefits av Stefan Szugalski, forskare vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, besvarar frågor som: Varför vill människor ha det som är vackert? Vad händer om människor exponeras för fula saker? Avhandlingen består av fem artiklar och kan användas som en verktygslåda för marknadsförare som vill skapa marknadsföring med positiva effekter för både företag och samhälle.