Sara Rosengren in Dagens Industri
11 April 2018
Sara Rosengren was interviewed in Dagens Industri about do's and dont's for companies in e-commerce.
Ina Ganguli wins Russian National Award in Applied Economics
11 April 2018
Ina Ganguli, Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and SITE Affiliated Researcher, is the winner of this year’s Russian National Award in Applied Economics.
Erik Wetter Visiting Professor at new Asian artificial intelligence (AI) lab
06 April 2018
Misum´s Erik Wetter has been appointed Visiting Professor at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) in Manila.
stort intresse för hållbar finans: intervju med emma sjöström
04 April 2018
Intervju med Misums Emma Sjöström (forskningsledare för hållbar finans) om det stora intresset för hållbar finans och hennes egen forskningsprojekt om investerare som försöker påverka internationella energibolag att minska sin kolanvändning.
04 April 2018
“It’s time to go after Vladimir Putin’s money in the West”
New research from SSE EXPLORES the rise and development of FinTech in Sweden
04 April 2018
In the new book, The Rise and Development of FinTech - Accounts of Disruption from Sweden and Beyond (Routledge, 2018), researchers from the Stockholm School of Economics illuminate the rise and development of FinTech in Sweden, with the Internet as the primary underlying driver.
Save the date! 9th N.G.O. workshop, June 19-20
04 April 2018
SITE and the N.G.O. network jointly organize this year’s edition of the annual N.G.O. workshop on June 19-20. The workshop will focus on the organizational and contractual aspects of the provision of public goods and services by organizations that are neither purely for-profit nor public-sector.
bunraku (Traditional japanese marionette Theatre) performance on April 20 at sse
29 March 2018
This year, 2018, Sweden and Japan are celebrating the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations.
The European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS), the Japanese Association in Stockholm (JFS) and Stockholm University (Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies) would like to invite you to a special workshop with a Bunraku troupe from Chiryu City (Aichi, Japan).
Bunraku, that is, traditional marionette theatre (also called Ningyō Jōruri) and this group, Chiryu-dashi-bunraku-hozonkai was recognized by UNESCO as World Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2016.
Please join us and enjoy the dolls’ dance at close range!
Finding cooperators: Sorting through repeated interaction
28 March 2018
By Mark Bernard (with Jack Fanning and Sevgi Yuksel), Article in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Applied Retail Track in Dagens handel
28 March 2018
Dagens Handel has published an article on the Applied Retail Track. Applied Retail Track, a course co-created by students, faculty and corporate partners. It is part of the 3-year bachelor’s degree program in retail management run by the Center for Retailing (CFR).